Chapter 20: Come To Me

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“The Jedi are supposed to be peacekeepers, not generals.”

So spoke Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, standing before the Jedi High Council.

“We are not trained to lead armies. And we should be ashamed that we even allowed the creation of the clones, who are now nothing more than glorified slaves of the Republic.”

Brimming with righteous indignation, magnificent in his defiance, he took Anakin’s breath away.

He watched from where he was waiting by the doors, his mouth slightly open in awe, how his Master stood – one against them all – and addressed them with such fervor that their figures seemed to shrink somehow and become small and insignificant in the face of his intensity.

The Force was fluttering around his figure bathed in the Light coming from within him. Anakin could see motes of dust dancing slowly in that halo.

The scene was powerful. Cinematic. Anakin could have sworn he was hearing the dramatic rise of an epic, jubilant score in the background.

But then the Force seemed to suddenly still – solemn – when Obi-Wan Kenobi spoke again.

“It is strange to me that the Force is silent when the Jedi abandon their vows to only use its gifts to defend and protect – and never to attack others!”

Anakin observed with barely hidden glee how his Master’s indignant speech made the Council members shift uncomfortably in their chairs, as if they wanted to subtly move away from his sharp words aimed at them for a change.

“Haven’t you humbled your hearts, Masters? Why do you still crave political influence? It is not our mission to fight wars on behalf of anyone, not even the Republic. The Jedi are supposed to be above all that.”

“But the Republic will fall to pieces unless we interfere, Obi-Wan!” Plo Koon was the only one among the speechless Council members who found it in him to object. The others were still too shocked to have their own weapon – the Negotiator – turned against them.

“Then we should let it,” Obi-Wan retorted immediately, voice cold. Merciless. “If it can’t hold together on its own, then it should fall. Such is the natural way of things. Republics, states, worlds – they all come and go. The Order remains.”

“So we are supposed to just let the people of Jedha join the Separatists?” Mace Windu interjected acidly, folding his arms on his chest and giving Master Yoda a pointed look, calling him to interfere.

“If that is their wish,” Obi-Wan nodded, his voice even, holding Windu’s hateful glare with cold resolution.

“You are delirious, Kenobi!” Windu’s former apprentice Depa Billaba scoffed, throwing her arms in the air.

“I might be.” Obi-Wan’s chin lifted defiantly before he looked around at all the present Councilors with an open challenge in his gaze. “But who are you to push Jedha’s people to war when there is a peaceful solution they desire? Who gave you the right to judge what’s better for them? Who in here has higher authority than the Force itself?”

“Silence, brother!” Windu sprang from his seat, his nostrils flaring in rage and contempt. “Your mind is clouded by the Dark Side!”

Immediately, everyone’s judging glares turned to Anakin, silently accusing him of being a bad influence on his former Master.

Anakin just crossed his arms and rolled his eyes: they didn’t even know half of it. Windu would have probably had a heart attack if he had known that his fears had come true and Anakin was an actual Sith.

His Master looked heavenward too, not impressed by the obvious threat in Windu’s pose in the slightest. “I pray to the Force to open your eyes and let you see the error of your ways, Master Windu.”

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