Chapter 19: Pledge Yourself To Him

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A Sith.

Just like they always said he would be. Maybe that is why Anakin doesn't feel as shocked or even slightly surprised as he should.

I am a Jedi.

Yeah, he can repeat that all he wants. Still won't be true.

Whatever. A Jedi or a Sith - this changes nothing. He still is what his Master wants him to be at this time. So it is of no importance. What matters is that, even though technically he isn't Obi-Wan Kenobi's Padawan anymore, Anakin still needs to be with him. Every moment of every day. He needs to always follow him. Always protect him. Always worship him the way he deserves.

Anakin suddenly remembers his dream - that dream, the one he cannot let go of, no matter how hard he tries - and he wants to moan with the guilty pleasure of hoping that it just might come true one day after all, now that his silver-tongued Master really has a golden-eyed apprentice.

There is something forbidden - deliciously sinful - in knowing that he will be watching his divine Master with his corrupt eyes now - the two wicked suns burning with raging fire under the guise of cold steel.

An old illustration springs to Anakin's mind - the one he saw in a book about the Galaxy's various religions back when he was little: a greedy demon mesmerized by the sight of an angel, forever entrapped in his lustful desire. Unallowed to touch. Unable to look away. Doomed to suffer for his sins for all eternity.

Sounds like fun.


After his "miraculous recovery", Anakin is ordered to stay in the Halls of Healing for observation.

"It's only for one night, Knight Skywalker," the healer assures.

Anakin agrees, albeit reluctantly. His Master has ordered him not to draw too much attention to himself, and Anakin is pretty sure that fighting his way out of the Healing Halls to run after his former Master counts as exactly that. So he stays. For one night. He has a very bad feeling about it.

What if even the new Bond isn't enough to attach his Master to him, to keep him close and never let him leave?

What if Master only agreed to restore it to simply pacify him after a traumatic experience?

What if his Master doesn't want him around anymore now that there is no need for that? He's never actually needed his clingy Padawan around, after all...

Anakin doesn't get a single moment of sleep that night, of course, so the next morning he can't really tell if it's real or just his nightmare when he runs to their shared quarters and finds a crowd of younglings waiting by the door.

One murderous glare is enough to make half of them skedaddle, and the other half freeze, scared shitless.

Little bastards!

It had hardly been a couple of weeks since he was knighted, and they'd already started to pursue his Master!

He isn't going to take a new Padawan, is he?

Is he?

Anakin has always feared that one day Master might replace him.

Ever since he first noticed the greedy, jealous stares other Padawans and younglings were throwing their way when he and his Master walked together, Anakin has known. He could already see him - clear as day.

Another boy.

Another pair of eyes following his Master's every move.

Another circle of arms closing around his Master's neck.

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