Chapter 12: Look What You Made Of Me

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“Master… Am I a Sith?”

Are you, Anakin?

Back then, nine years ago, on the cliff of obsidian, the Daughter warned Obi-Wan about what Anakin might become. And Obi-Wan has been expecting the oncoming storm ever since.

But month passed after month, year after year. Nothing has happened. Anakin Skywalker is an annoying little brat, for sure, but not a Sith.

Not yet, a nasty little voice in Obi-Wan’s head keeps whispering. How long before he slips?

Nine years. It would be enough time to dull anyone’s caution, but not Obi-Wan’s. He can sense the Dark presence gathering around his Padawan, and today’s dueling disaster is only a case in point.

Anakin is not a little boy anymore, but he is still balancing on the very edge of the Dark, and sometimes it seems to Obi-Wan that the only reason he hasn’t fallen into it yet, is because, even at eighteen, he is too clingy to let go of Obi-Wan’s hand.

Always following one step behind.

Always watching with greedy eyes.

Always demanding undivided attention.

Teach me.

Spar with me.

Meditate with me.

Talk to me.

Eat with me.

Hold me.

Pacify me.

Fly with me.

Save me.

Heal me.

Don’t leave me.


Even nine years later.

Not a single moment of peace…

Oh well, he is used to it by now. He can handle his Padawan. The Negotiator – they say he has a magic way with words. He does. He knows the secret: words are important. They give names to things. They make things real. And Obi-Wan gives Anakin a lot of names, shaping him into anything he chooses.



And absolutely shameless at that.

Come to me! Stand beside me!

His voice is always there with Obi-Wan. It won’t leave his head. The boy has never stopped calling for him in the Force, pleading and coaxing him to come closer. He thinks he can manipulate Obi-Wan, the poor naïve child. You don’t manipulate the master manipulator.

Or maybe you do. Because Obi-Wan keeps coming, even though he knows he is being influenced by his Padawan.

“Master, I couldn’t sleep.”

“I’ve had a bad dream.”

“I’m scared, Master.”

“I’m cold.”

From the very beginning, the boy started coming up with those excuses to be allowed to sleep in Obi-Wan’s bed instead of his own. And Obi-Wan knew, of course he knew, that it was all just a ploy to receive sympathy and consolation Anakin had never had before as a slave, so Obi-Wan never questioned or reprimanded him for his little deception. He didn’t even mention it to his Padawan until he turned eleven and it was all getting a little weird.

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