Chapter 23: Lie To Him

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“Believe me, Masters, we must investigate the threat!”

Obi-Wan is standing before the Council, his face solemn and his crimson mantle a bright, alarming spot, like a smear of blood, against the gray twilight of the round chamber. He tugs at the heavy fabric, wrapping it tighter around himself to cover up the fact that underneath it…he is still shaking.

He is no longer wearing the crown (he left it with Anakin when he ordered him to wait in their quarters), but he can still feel its presence lying heavy on his head, almost making him slump under its burden. But he is still standing tall, brimming with vehement intensity. He doesn’t need any more gifts from the Dark Side – he already has one, and he is barely managing to control him, so no, thank you.

“We’ve been over this,” Windu reminds him, making no effort whatsoever to hide his annoyance. “And you said it yourself, Kenobi: there was no indication that the attack on the Jedha Temple had been launched by a Sith Lord.”

“I said there was no proof ,” Obi-Wan corrects him coldly, “but the malicious intent was obvious. Why else would the Separatists have wanted to get inside a Jedi Temple if not sent by a Sith?”

“Come to your senses, Obi-Wan!” Kit Fisto appeals to reason. “What are you saying? One Sith Lord is behind a Galaxy-wide war? That is simply ridiculous!”

“Masters, let us go to Korriban, their planet of origin.” Obi-Wan gives the Council an imploring look. “There you shall see that I am right. If their ancient Temple has been accessed recently, it will mean that they are truly back and we should all prepare to face them.”

“You have just gained a huge victory on Jedha, Kenobi.” Depa Billaba’s voice is nothing if not condescending, clearly indicating that she thinks Obi-Wan is delusional. “It must have been very hard on you. Perhaps, you should just rest for a couple of w–”

“There is no time!” Obi-Wan interrupts her, irritated and rather unceremonious in his fervent impatience. “It is slipping like sand through our fingers! Our main victory lies ahead, Masters. We must launch a preemptive attack before the Sith destroys first us and then the entire Galaxy.”

“Obi-Wan–” Ki-Adi-Mundi’s holo-projection tries to pacify him, but Obi-Wan doesn’t let him finish.

“You were the ones who made me a General, Masters. Now give me troops. I must go!”

“No, Obi-Wan, you must stay! We need you here ,” Adi Gallia insists with undisguised urgency. “There’s only greed and flattery in the Senate. We can’t navigate it without your expertise.”

But Obi-Wan remains adamant.

“Give me an army! I am begging you!” His fists clench with desperation against his thighs.

The Council members draw back visibly under the fierce emotion in Obi-Wan’s voice.

“Passionate about this, you are, Master Kenobi,” Master Yoda notes thoughtfully, observing Obi-Wan with badly concealed wonder. “Brought this on, what has, hmm?”

“I see the will of the Force in it, Master Yoda.” Obi-Wan bows to the Grand Master as he addresses him, almost visibly straining to remain calm and stand still while his body is brimming with this urgent need to move, to go, to do something. Before it’s too late.

For once in his entire life, Obi-Wan feels that talking isn’t enough anymore. And with astonishment, he realizes that this must be what being Anakin Skywalker feels like: like being tied to a running-humming-vibrating hyperspace drive. Always on the move, knowing no calm or peace, unable to stop, not for a single moment. Infinite chaos. Infinite pain…

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