Chapter 7: Don't Leave Me

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He is already thirteen. He is not a child anymore, and yet, he still sleeps with his ugly stuffed Ewok toy he made himself out of his Master’s old brown cloak back when he was nine. The stitches are all askew and the buttons of the eyes don’t match either in size or in color, but Anakin loves his old bear anyway.

Now that he is, apparently, “too old” to come to his Master’s room in the middle of a night under the pretense of having bad dreams, this toy made from the very fabric his Master used to wear, is the only thing keeping Anakin calm enough to fall asleep.


He jerks awake – soaked in sweat and gasping with hot, parched lips – from the feeling of his soul being ripped out of him.

The panic has already coiled tightly around his chest, not letting him take a breath or even scream from the pain that is burning his insides.


He calls out through their Bond as he scrambles out of bed.

“Master!” he begs as he stumbles to the man’s bedroom on his wobbly legs, barely able to see anything through the tears. “Master!”

But the bedroom is empty and the Bond is cut off. And he can’t sense his Master’s presence in the Force…

His guiding star has gone dark on him.


He doesn’t remember how exactly he got here. Yet here he is – barefoot and still dressed only in his sleeping pants and tunic, breathless from running all across the Temple and sobbing uncontrollably – he stands in the middle of the Council Chamber and demands in a shaky voice:

“Where is my Master?!”

For a few moments, the members of the Council remain silent, staring at him in shock and confusion, until Master Yoda finally finds his words.

“Calm yourself, you must, young Padawan,” he urges and assures, “no reason to worry, there is.”

“Why can’t I feel his Force Signature?! Where is he?!” Anakin is taking deep breaths, trying to force his pulse back under control, but his heart is pounding with a heavy, deadened sound, as if seeking to break out of his ribcage.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

In the dead silence of the Council Chamber.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Why are they all silent? Why is nobody answering him?

Thump. Thump. Thump.

“WHERE. IS. HE?!” he screams, and the windows of the round room burst outward in millions and millions of sharp pieces.

“Oh, for Force’s sake, boy! Your Master is on his way to a secret mission. It requires masking his Signature!” Master Depa Billaba finally shouts over the deafening sound of the wind now bursting into the gaping holes in the walls as she grabs her chair for purchase.

“He couldn’t have gone without telling me!” Anakin yells, standing in the middle of the havoc he has caused, immovable and resolute, his hands tightened into fists and his eyes dark with rage. “Where is he? Tell me now!”

The walls shake.

Masters Shaak Ti and Stass Allie, in the chaos of their billowing robes, lunge to cover Grand Master Yoda from falling pieces of the cracked ceiling.

Masters Saesee Tiin, Coleman Kcaj and Oppo Rancisis spread their arms in an attempt to create a Force field around the Chamber to protect it from the vicious gale, but a sudden gust pushes them off their feet, making them grab their chairs and hold on to them for dear life.

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