Chapter 22: Dress Him In Brocade and Gold

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A Dyad in the Force. Two pieces of one soul, striving to be together.

Dear Force, such drama!

No wonder the boy absolutely loves it.

Oh, the look on his face when, back on Jedha, he caught that local Togruta girl vandalizing their shuttle with red and yellow paint and made her explain what she meant by that! Obi-Wan can’t help but chuckle as he remembers it.

And now every ship in their joined fleets is parading the same red and yellow round graffiti on its hull.

The Open Circle Armada.

Sounds pretty impressive. And judging by how fast the insignia is starting to appear on different surfaces all around Obi-Wan’s command ship, the clones love the idea too.

It seems so strange to Obi-Wan how they are so eager to bear the symbol the true meaning of which – the connection, the unity of a Force Dyad – they can never even hope to feel or understand. It is virtually as bad as if they actually wrote:

Skywalker + Kenobi = ♥.

That is simply ridiculous! They are the Jedi, not teenagers! They are above all that. They are of a loftier nature. They are more sophisticated. They are–

“Master! Master! Look what I’ve made for you!”

His Padawan’s cheeks are stained an adorable shade of pink, and he is still a little breathless from running across the whole ship.

Obi-Wan gazes at how childishly happy and proud the boy looks, holding his freshly decorated vambrace, and huffs, shaking his head.

They are not above shit, are they? No, they are just as ridiculous as everyone else.

“It’s beautiful, darling." He smiles. "Help me put it on.”


The heroes of the Republic.

When after a few more successful missions they finally return to Coruscant, their “impossible” victory on Jedha is all over the HoloNet. The Temple is under siege by reporters of all kinds and just curious citizens looking to snap a picture of the “Blessed General” and his “Mysterious Shadow”.

Obi-Wan rolls his eyes at the datapad in his hand, closing the page with the screaming headline, and proceeds to open his incoming messages.

The inbox is rather predictably full of invitations to dinners, balls, concerts and private events hosted by Senators, royalty and other influential people from all over the Galaxy. Everyone wants a piece of the famous Jedi General.

Pretentious pricks.

Obi-Wan grimaces and scrolls down to the invitation the Council have insisted he should accept. It’s from Chancellor Palpatine himself, after all: the lecherous old bastard is having a gala to celebrate his victory. Or more like parade him in front of his high-ranking friends to promote the war the Senate is waging on the Galaxy.

Obi-Wan hates that. He wishes he could refuse to attend, but the Council are cross enough with him already after he reported giving the NiJedha Temple to the public without their permission.


After the trade routes had changed and Jedha had turned from a busy center of pilgrimage into a backwater planet, the Order abandoned its Temple there and completely forgot all about it. Forgot all about Jedha’s people – the people who have kept their loyalty to the Jedi for hundreds of years!

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