Chapter 14: You Will Fan His Fire

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When Obi-Wan finally relaxes enough to fall into his meditative state and take a step into the Force, the Son is already expecting him on the obsidian cliff.

“Ah, Master Kenobi! What a pleasure!” he exclaims, the corners of his lips lifting in a strange, unnerving smile. “Truth be told, I expected you years ago, back when my Sister first approached you. But then again, it is a miracle you have finally found two solid minutes to yourself, with you being a glorified babysitter to the spoiled brat and all.”

The Son’s voice is smooth and as thick as honey, much like Obi-Wan’s own, and it makes him shiver.

He rolls his eyes in annoyance. “Being the Dark One doesn’t mean you have to be rude, you know.”

“Fair enough,” the Son laughs and raises his palms in mock-surrender. “I know you’ve come to discuss a pressing matter, and I know your time is very precious these…well, years. After all, how long is it going to be before your young apprentice bursts into your room, sobbing and hysterical, crying for his beloved Master, huh?”

Obi-Wan shakes his head with a sigh. “Are you quite done?”

“Not nearly,” the Son laughs again with cruel satisfaction. “Oh, I am having so much fun with you already, my little Jedi! Tell me, how did you manage to make the boy leave you alone long enough for you to meditate and come talk to me?”

“You know how,” Obi-Wan grits out through his clenched teeth. “I lulled him to sleep.”

He winces, already anticipating the outburst of laughter before it actually comes. Still, he startles when the Son guffaws like a madman.

“And how did you manage that, huh, Master Kenobi?” The Dark One claps his hands like an excited child. “Tell me! Tell me!”

“I–” Obi-Wan hangs his head and clenches his fists, awaiting another portion of mockery. “I sang to him.”

“What’s that?” The Son raises his eyebrows in fake surprise. “I didn’t quite hear you.”

“I sang to him!” Obi-Wan snaps, having suddenly lost his famed control. “I held him in my arms and sang to him!”

He is breathing heavily, his chest rising and falling dramatically with every intake, his cheeks flaming with rage and embarrassment, the blue of his eyes dark and stormy.

He doesn’t know why he is being so defensive and on edge out of nowhere but…

How dare this…this Sith poke his dirty fingers in his most private moments!

Attuned to its master’s mood, the ocean roars somewhere below, crashing into the cliff in foamy splashes. Thunder rumbles ominously in the distance.

“Now look at you!” the Son marvels. “Finally! The real Obi-Wan Kenobi in all his raging glory! Aren’t you magnificent like this, little Jedi?”

The Dark One reaches out to touch Obi-Wan’s cheek, but he catches his wrist and pushes his hand away.

“I’ve come to warn you, Dark One. Your Sister, the One of Light, is aware of your plan. She told me all those years ago that you would come for Anakin, and now I see the signs and I can sense you are finally planning to make your move. That is why I have come to speak with you,” he says sharply, his chin raised in defiance. A silent challenge. “I know that everyone who’s even a little Force-sensitive cowers before you and your terrifying might. Even darksiders, your own servants. But I am a completely different story. You have no power over me and don’t scare me.”

“Perhaps not yet.” The Dark One chuckles. “But then again, you don’t know me so well, little Jedi. The things I can do…”

“What can you do?” Obi-Wan’s eyebrow rises in both a taunt and a challenge. “You obviously have no power to fight, otherwise, you wouldn’t have come here to talk. You would have just taken your heir from me.”

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