Chapter 28: What Will You Call Him?

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“Master, may I stay with you tonight?” Anakin is standing in the doorway of his Master’s bedroom, shifting tentatively from one foot to the other.

He is nervous. He hasn’t done it since he was a child. Not since his Master forbade it...

The room hasn’t changed one bit, even the bombing has spared it, and now everything is still exactly how Anakin remembers it.

And even his Master sits up on his bed, sleep-ruffled and adorable, just the same. And now Anakin is even more pleased that he has managed to talk him into having some rest before going after the Sith Lord.

“What is it, Ani?” The Jedi blinks slowly, still a bit disoriented, but graces Anakin with a soft smile anyway. “Are you having nightmares again?”

He must have not woken up properly yet, or maybe it’s just the force of an old habit, but he shifts a little on the bed to make room for Anakin like he used to when Anakin was still a scared little boy. But now Anakin doesn’t dare to even think about slipping under the sheets the way he did back then.

“Just one.” He flops onto the floor at the foot of the bed instead, leaning his back to rest against it and drawing his knees to himself like a sulking teenager.

He fixes the door with a piercing glare.

His Master sighs and shifts on the bed again, leaning forward to press a kiss to the top of Anakin’s head, among his tousled locks.

“You don’t need to worry. The battle is over for now. Just go have some sleep. No one will attack me here, dear one,” he tries to reassure, and Anakin can hear the usual indulgent smile in his voice.

He’s being patient with him. Again .

“For once we agree, Master. No one will attack you,” he promises solemnly. “Go back to sleep. I’ll watch over you.”

“ Anakin ...” Master breathes out with another long-suffering sigh, his name a reproach in itself.

“ No , Master.” Anakin lowers his head stubbornly. “I know you never believe that you might be in any danger, but no one is ever safe anymore. Not even the Jedi. We were attacked in our own Temple! How did this happen? I thought we were smarter than this.”

“Apparently not,” his Master chuckles sadly and slips back under the sheets.

Anakin sighs, turning to look at him, and has to bite his lip to stop a giggle when he sees his Darkness already crawling subtly, tentatively over his Master’s form like a soft, fuzzy blanket.

“Good night, Master.”


He is tired. Let him sleep under the cover of Darkness. Let him be safe. Let him forget all his sorrows.

Anakin’s lips move silently as he prays for his Master, kneeling at the foot of his bed.

The Jedi’s sleeping form looks ethereal, bathed in the cold light of Coruscant’s moons.

He is so close, so close – Anakin could reach out and touch his almost translucent skin. Could press his lips to it. Could worship every inch of it.

The temptation...

Ah, the Devil is enticing him again. Of course he is. That’s what he does – even when he is sleeping, all the more alluring in his fragile innocence.

He doesn’t even need to do anything. He never does anything. He simply is, fascinating and seducing Anakin with his very existence.

Who would have thought the Devil to be so pure? But that’s just it. He is . And that’s how he makes everything around him look tainted and corrupted in comparison.

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