Chapter 4: You Will Tame His Fire

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The last few weeks have been a little too much fuss for Obi-Wan’s taste.

First, in a span of two days, he crashed on the unholy planet of Tatooine, met the strangest Force-sensitive child, found himself in the middle of said child’s visions of the future and brought him to the Temple.

Then, for no apparent reason, he chose to fight the High Council on the subject of his destiny as the Chosen One and a Jedi every step of the way. That last bit… Obi-Wan isn’t even sure why he did it.

He could have just broken the sudden connection that had formed in the Force between the boy and himself. He could have just left the boy on Tatooine. He could have just let the Council throw him out of the Temple. But instead, he brought him home. Just like he had begged him to.

Stupid. Stupid. But what’s done is done, and now, one step away from being called a Renegade of all things, he has suddenly ended up in the middle of a human disaster who is now proudly calling himself his Padawan.

New clothes for the boy.

New joined quarters for them both.

New schedule of studying, and training, and meditation.


Not a single moment of peace. Not one. Ever since he met Anakin Skywalker.


In the relative quiet of his room, Obi-Wan – finally! – takes a deep breath, letting his mind wander beyond the confines of his body and step into the turbulent current of the Force.

His mind’s landscape in the Force is, as always, a perfect picture of serenity and fortitude: a peaceful bay washed by the softly murmuring ocean. It resembles the winged blade on the crest of the Jedi Order: two stripes of black sand curving into a crescent with a protruding natural spire towering right in the middle of it.

There, on the narrow ledge projecting from the obsidian peak, midway between the sea and the sky, now is shining the star of Obi-Wan’s Signature in the Force.

Obi-Wan is standing on the edge of the cliff, feeling small and insignificant compared to the grandeur of his surroundings as he looks down.

The ocean, whose waters are caressing the sheer wall of the rock with gentle strokes, is turquoise in its tranquility and in a stark contrast with the blackness of the sand.

The land beyond the beach is shrouded in thick pearly-white mist. Its veil is swirling along the edge of the beach, as if hesitant to move forward and swallow the land completely.

Obi-Wan takes a deep breath, filling his lungs with the crisp, salty air, before he speaks:

“Force, are you here? Are you with me?”

There is no answer.

Obi-Wan moves to kneel on the hard surface of the rock and looks heavenward as he starts to confess quietly but fervently:

“In the guiding Light of my prayers and meditations, in the cool serenity among the walls of your holy Temple, my soul was…suffocating. It wanted more. It was waiting for this…this fire. And I have found it. I can see it sparkle in the eyes of my enemy – that child of the Dark Side… And once I saw it in those greedy, tenacious eyes for the first time, I– I couldn’t look away. I stood face to face with that flaming Darkness…and I reached out to it, meaning to extinguish, but… But the flame reached for my hand too and…it didn’t even singe me.”

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