Chapter 21: Balance Him

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The Republic shuttle lands outside the improvised refugee camp spread between two mountain ranges as far as one can see, and Anakin distractedly thinks that they should have brought a couple of gunships with them, just in case the locals turn out to be hostile (they didn't ask for the Republic's help after all), but Master does not want to provoke them, and so, aside from a couple of clones, they've come alone.

His Master stalks down the ramp, and Anakin follows him closely, loitering behind his shoulder even after the man has paused to let him draw alongside.

It's not his place. They are not equals. Anakin is not even entirely sure he deserves to be there in the first place, let alone walk beside his Master.

He shivers and hides deeper into his flowing dark cloak, his face now almost entirely obscured by his cowl. He is nothing but his Master's shadow.

The Jedi stumbles to a halt halfway down the ramp, and Anakin immediately freezes behind him as well: there is a crowd gathering swiftly around the ship - a roaring sea of faces and colorful clothes. It is shifting and moving with intent like a single living organism. A huge, terrifying living organism.

"Master!" Anakin whispers with emphasis as he puts his hand onto the man's forearm to subtly pull him back inside the ship.

"No, Anakin." His Master shakes his head. "It's alright. I will speak to them."

He takes a step forward, and Anakin has no choice but to follow.

His lightsaber ignites with a hiss of warning in his lowered hand, and the crowd suddenly stands still with fascinated gasps.

"The Jedi! The Jedi!"

"The Jedi have come!"

"They are here! They haven't abandoned us!"

"The Jedi have come to save us!"

"We knew you would come!"

"Thank the Force!"

A shiver runs down Anakin's spine at how inexplicably charged, powerful the moment feels.

Anakin shifts his gaze to his Master and almost forgets how to breathe when he sees his pure, wide-eyed fascination.

"They are Force-sensitive, Anakin," he breathes out barely audibly. "All of them. Look!"

But Anakin doesn't want to tear his eyes away from his Master's face to see the people's looks of worshipful admiration. He knows exactly how they feel if they are sensitive enough to see his Master's Signature anyway.

"People of Jedha!" Obi-Wan's Force-amplified voice resounds through the valley. "We have come to help. We mean you no harm."

He gives Anakin's blade a pointed look, and Anakin mutters "Right," turning it off.

"I am Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi." Master bows slightly, his arms folded in front of him and hidden in the sleeves of his robes, just like that day on Tatooine when he introduced himself to a strange slave boy. "And this is Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker."

Anakin takes off his hood and bows on autopilot when his Master gestures to him, his mind too busy suddenly realizing just how far they've come since that memorable day.


"The Negotiator?"

A wave of astonished whispers runs through the crowd.

"No. I'm afraid the time for negotiations has passed. It's General Kenobi now."

The brown robe slides off his shoulders in an elegant flowing motion to reveal a white chest plate and shoulder pauldrons.

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