The Rescue and Plan (C5)

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"Are you prepared to die?"

Ace was on his last leg here, he was missing an arm and bleeding from the head... but he knew if he died the others would escape.

"Nnn- Not today... I still got some fight in me!"

He stood before someone, a woman of great power. Talulah, leader of Reunion.. and one hellbent on killing him.

"No. You don't.. Goodbye."

She swung her sword down, Ace braced for the impact, though... he felt nothing... He looked up and saw him, The Doctor, he caught her sword mid swing. From the look in his eye he wasn't happy.

"Talulah... What happened to you..."

As if she saw a ghost she faltered, her expression never changing but her eyes spoke a different story...

"Uncle... NO-" it was as if she was possessed... she was fighting "Whatever you gain from appearing... it's not going to work."

She launched fire at the Doctor, though it had no effect, his fire is far more lethal. With one swift kick he sent her backwards crashing into a building, he turned to Ace.

"Ace! Kjera be damned you got roughed up!"

"I know, and you aren't supposed to be here! Get away Doc I'll keep them off ya!"

"Fuck that. We are escaping together and I ain't taking no for an answer!"

Kaiser grabbed Ace as gently as he could, slinging his good arm over his shoulder and using his strength to carry the man. What neither noticed in the moment was being surrounded by reunion and 2 familiar faces appearing...

It was none other than Mephisto... and W....

Looking around, Kaiser saw her face, regret filling his eyes..

"W... Long time no see..."

She looked at him, anger barely constrained "Kaiser. How unfortunate for you to show up."

"W?? You know this pest??"

Turning to her left she saw Mephisto with anger in his eyes blatant "Yes. He's my brother... and shouldn't be alive..."

"W.. I'm sorry for leaving for so long... I wish we could catch up, but I need to go."

"Doc we are surrounded! Just leave me and escape!"

He payed no attention to Aces pleads, no what he was focusing on was the pile of rubble moving and yelling.

Talulah survived the attack, as she should he trained her and Chen since they were born. Soon enough she appeared next to her generals.

"Mephisto, W, status report!"

"Docs alive, Ace is alive, Mephisto is a tiny asshole. The usual.."


She sent a glare to the smaller man causing him to shut up. In turn she looked at her Uncle, he noticed something in her eyes that worried him.

"Talulah please... this ain't what Wei wanted, this isn't what your sister would want!"

Suddenly she snapped, her blade pointed to his neck she spoke "Do not mention them! Don't you dare mention them!"

He grabbed the blade and moved it from his neck, looking into her eyes he pleaded "Please.. my White Dragon... this isn't you..."

Again something in her eyes caught his attention, she was fighting herself. He couldn't help right now but he was going to in the future.

"Uncle... nnngg- Go! Before I change my mind!" She turned to her generals "Retreat! We have a catastrophe heading our way!"

W listened without hesitation, knowing how powerful Kaiser could be if pushed to a fight. Mephisto didn't agree so well though.

"Talulah?! Why let the pests leave we could kill them END THEIR PATHETIC LIVES-"

He was cut off as a hand grabbed his throat, he looked up and saw the eyes of his leader angrier than ever.

"You dare touch him I will incinerate you with no hesitation. Do you understand me!?"


The reunion surrounding them parted slightly, some were more hellbent on fighting and made the lunge. They didn't get far as Talulah burnt them immediately.

"Go! Before I change my damn mind!"

Rhodes Island, some distance away.

Amiya POV

It's been 30 minutes... no sign of Kaiser or Ace... I'm starting to worry but Doberman is assuring me he'll make it.. he better...

I quickly turn and take a head count, keeping my mind preoccupied from worry. Everyone is here, Nearl was checked over and thanks in no small part to the Dokutahs healing ability she's back to full strength and is serving a guard for now.

The civilians are taken care of as well, though the woman is concerned with us being infected she seems to trust Kaiser enough.

I'm shaken from my thoughts as Edward the Guard rushed up to me

"Amiya! Doc spotted with Ace!"

"Where?? Intercept him get him back safely!"

He handed me the binoculars he was holding and sure enough there was Dokutah and Ace... but Ace was slung over his shoulder and missing an arm...

It didn't take long for him to run here, I remember how fast he could really be when pushed.. but it worries me since he hasn't eaten or drank anything since waking.

Multiple people including Medic rushed to meet them, I released a breath I was holding, happy he was back and safe with us... until I heard medic scream and see Kaiser pass out.

"Dokutah!" My body moved on its own trying to get to him... I was scared "KAISER?! Medic! Get over here now!"

I quickly rushed to his side, grabbing his hand trying to check for a pulse... He was Cold!

Kaisers Mind... moments later

Well... shit... passed out after getting Ace back. I'm not very happy with the situation...

"You know it's in bad health to be angry for so long."

I turned and the figure was back.. great...

"Yea well I have a reason. My best friend is missing an arm and my fucking niece is leader of these assholes. If you were in my shoes you'd be pissed too!"

She walked to me, seemingly unbothered by my outbursts. She held her hand to my chest and a bright light engulfed my vision..

"The FUCK is wrong with you!?"

"Be quiet for now. All I did was implant my power onto you. I see your future Kaiser. You are going to change the world and I want to see it changed for the better. So for now I'm expediting the process of healing you."

Sure enough I felt better by the second... but something was nagging in my mind.

"What's the catch mystery lady? Where there's power there's always a cost."

She chuckled "Good eye. I guess it's no use hiding from you anymore."

She stood tall, shorter than me but something told me if I spoke on it I'd be atomized... the misty fog surrounding her dissipating I finally saw her face..

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Kaiser. I am Kjeragandr, though you already knew that."

"Oh son of a bi-"

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