Will diverge from canon, contains: Blood, Gore, sexual themes and talks of self harm and suicide.
Has crossover capabilities with ZhakaBeat's character Gharian. Much love and thanks to him for the ability to use other characters.
The sound of a bell being rung, signaling the arrival of new customers. The owner of the Bar, a penguin by the name of Emperor, was behind the bar pouring himself a drink when he noticed the newcomers.
"Well well! If it isn't Rhodes Island!"
Emperor knew both Kal and Amiya, actually he used to babysit the bunny. Penguin Logistics and Rhodes Island were close allies due to the Pharmaceutical company helping them out in the past and in return they were always welcome to their more... VIP of services.
"Emperor. Good to see you still standing."
"Hi Emperor!"
He looked up, seeing Amiya skip happily to the bar, he waved back as he poured Kal a drink and got Amiya something non alcoholic.
"So if you two are here then the old geezer is somewhere too. Where is he?" Kal took a drink and responded swiftly "He's out meeting someone important quickly. And if you'd be so kind, get something stronger."
He did as asked "Stronger? Didn't take you for the drinking type, Kal."
She didn't respond, only pointed to the door as someone new walked in and replied for her "That would be for me, Emperor."
The penguins eyes widened, this new person to step in... she was as tall as Kaiser himself and radiated the same amount of power, but she floated ever so slightly off the ground as to not make a noise.
"Who in the name of Kjera are you?!"
Softly taking a seat she replied "I am Kaiserin. Loyal wife to Kaiser. Pleasure to meet you, I have heard a great many things about you." She took her drink and sat in a corner booth by the window.
"Kal is it true? The old geezer is married?"
Suddenly a new more chipper voice spoke up "Who's married, boss?" It was Exusia, she looked around and saw both Amiya and Kal "Oh hey you two! How's things been!"
"Hello Miss Exusia! We've been fine! Just making contact with Wei to procure our spot in Lungmen."
"Speaking of where is he?"
Amiya didn't need to speak for someone spoke for her "He will be here soon. "
Texas, who was silent this whole time, looked at the sitting woman with evident hostility. Her instincts scream danger..
"Texas, stand down she's not our enemy." Emperor finally said "Trust me it's not-"
CRASH he was cut off by something being thrown through the window. It was a flashbang. Most of them were dazed by it, save for Kaiserin.
Moments later many armed Sankta entered the bar, pointing many weapons at the patrons. The leader of this merry band of misfits entered shortly after "Emperor. I didn't know you had guests otherwise I would have come sooner and beat the traffic."
"You." The penguins spat with venom "who many times I gotta tell your boss I DONT WANT TO DEAL WITH HIM!"
Scoffing the angel spoke "that's the problem big E! You didn't cooperate so here we are!" He looked around noticing everyone had raised their arms, save for one "Hey! Whys she not surrendering? Oi lady!" She payed no mind to him and only hummed "Raise your damn arms or be put down."
She only sipped her drink, making the leader angrier "You know what? Fine! Have it your way bitch!"
He summoned a weapon, but not any weapon, Exusia recognized it as a very rare type of weapon, one had only for showmanship...
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A Boys Anti-Tank rifle. If he had this out... then he surely means to kill..
"Last warning, or I blow your head clean off!" Still she did nothing but hum "You asked for it-"
BANG... plink....
The bullet bounced on seemingly nothing, a high caliber round meant for piercing armor just... stopped mid air and fell to the ground. Then it hit them, a wave of cold air to make even Emperor shudder.
"Children. I guess I need to punish your bad behavior."
She finally stood up, towering over them . The first thing they noticed, her piercing purple eyes staring into their souls.
"Come now, let me show you a real gun." Much to everyone's shock she summed only one head of her rigging, this one being Epsilon. The blue colored dragon took one of the mercs heads off before he could react.
The others shot her to no avail as Kal readied Monst3r but thought against it. Quickly the group of 6 were whittled down to 4, the 2, then finally the leader.
"W-what the HELL ARE YOU?!?" He screamed in fear "Me? Oh I'm nothing much. Just an Empress." The Sankta threw another stun grenade, and again it had no effect on her. She watched as he scurried out the door screaming for help.
He was screaming, and screaming, all the way to the street when he happened to bump into someone, looking up he begged this stranger to help him. "PLEASE! Y-YOU GOTTA HELP ME THERES A MONSTER
As the man looked down and firmly grasped his shoulders his instincts finally kicked in... he was in trouble.
"Monster?" The man asked "Why I don't see a monster, all I see is my Wife. Now why would you be calling my darlin' a monster?"
He tried to escape, desperately squirmed and writhed in the man's iron grip as the "monster" approached rapidly.
"Hello Darlin, I take it this one ran from you?"
"Indeed. He attacked us and stupidly didn't stop."
Throwing the now scared Sankta down at her feet he grinned "Oh is that so? Let's knock him out for now. I think getting some information would be nice don'cha think?"
Both grinned a most sadistic smile as he was knocked down and out cold.
Walking back to the bar he greeted the people still inside.
"Heya! Sorry for being late. But now we got someone to.. interrogate"