Detour (C13)

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It had only been a day since Kaiser saved that young woman... and it pained him to learn what was happening. The very same mafia encroaching on Lin was also trafficking girls, getting them hooked on.. whatever kind of drug that was. He had one option and that was connect with someone from his old life, but for now his first priority was his patients wellbeing.

Knock knock, the soft knocking on a door was heard. Its occupants voice rang barely above a whisper but he heard it nonetheless.

"Heya, how you feeling?" He slowly walked in as to not startle her "I'm very glad to see you finally woken back up, my name is Doctor Kaiser. I am your medical practitioner. Can you tell me your name?"

She sat there, basically curled into a ball, he couldn't blame her.. what they did to her.. made his blood boil. He may have been a killer, he may have led armies for Theresa, but in reality he adored life. Children being one of few who will never feel the ire of the Doctor.

"Anna..." her voice rang of Ursan descent.. no wonder they treated her that way, "My name.. Is Anna..."

He immediately knew she was from Chernobog...

"Облегчит ли это разговор?" (Will this make conversation easier?)

Her head shot up, she didn't expect him to speak her language and fluently at that.

"Да! это делает его лучше!" (Yes! It makes it better!)

"тогда пожалуйста начните с начала.." (Then please start from the beginning...)

Sometime later, Kal'tsit office.

"Kal is there any green priority business Rhodes Island is doing that required my undivided attention?"

Looking up from her paperwork, The inscrutable glare in her eye ever present, "No. Not that I know of. Why?"

He sat in the chair in front of her "I need to head to Lungmen. Since we are still parked here there's an old Ally I need to get into contact with."

"Is it Lee? Has he finally returned your calls?"

He chuckled "Yea.. I don't think he expects me to remember our last meeting."

Lee's Detective Agency, 0900 hours

First Person

You know I don't expect much, hell I barely except anything at this point. But is it really too much to ask for, for one mission to not go completely haywire?

I arrive at Lee's Agency only to see.. multiple people attacking it and yelling.

Then I see one of them get thrown through a window. The perpetrator is a Tiger Feline and she's holding her own quite well. I admit the old dragon managed to train someone.

Stepping out my car I proceed to tap one of them on the shoulder.

"Hey bud I'm the reinforcement, what's the situation?" He looks at me quickly before sighing in relief. "Oh man you're late! Argh boss sent us to get info from the private eye but he didn't budge! So we did what we was told and tried to eliminate him!"

I nodded along motioning him to continue "And then this big fucking guy comes out and clobbers Ralph, this little girl then shoved Johnny through a wall and this little... wack job of a scientist started shooting needles at us!"

"Uh huh. So what do we do when we get the info? I wasn't filled in on time before being sent here."

He crouched down behind the car and sighed "Being it to Jasper over in the red light distric-" he stopped. He then looked at me slowly only to realize I'm not who I say.

"You know what? I'm fucked either way- the passphrase is "Glorious" all I request is not to be killed." I nod and say "Duly noted, now goodnight."


He went down easier than expected. Time to help out inside.

Third person

He steps through the broken window, carefully as to not lodge glass in his feet and proceeded to head to the nearest loud noise. Seeing the Tigress currently losing a two on one he decided to help out.


By grabbing, dislocating, and violently breaking the arm of the Lupo trying to bind her arms. It didn't take long for the man to pass out from pain and as the first guy looked utterly horrified.

The Tigress subdued the perpetrator, though before either of them could talk someone came crashing through a wall.

(A/N: Wattpad gae, imagine Juggernaut breaking through walls GIF)

It was an Oni with the angriest expression on his face. He looked toward Kaiser and sprinted...

That would be the case if he didn't have an immediate fist meeting his face.

"See when you run that fast you put yourself into the position where someone of higher power can stop you. Now lay down and think on what you did k?" He said as he gently patted the back of the now unconscious man.

He turned to the Tigress "You work for Lee. I recognize the coordination. Where is the fish anyways?"

She looked up at him "Fish? He's a Lung, but he's in his office with Hung and Aak."

"Thank you kindly-?"

"Waai Fu."

"Ah, thank you kindly Waai Fu, I'm Kaiser. Let's go meet your boss yea?"

She nodded him to follow, they found bodies of people in the hallway before stopping at one closed door. She knocked and opened it, the man himself saw them both enter.

"Uh- Oh- Hi... Kaiser.." Lee, the man himself said in an uncertain tone as he stood up "I didn't expect you to be up and about in Lungmen this time of day."

Kaiser, was trying not to laugh, but kept a stone stare all the same, before just bursting out in laughter.

"Lee! Hehaha, Lee it's been how many years? Why so nervous my friend?" He quickly pulled the Lung into a hug "It's not like I'm angry with ya!"

Then one of the other people in the room, whose name was Aak, spoke up "Wait boss why would you be scared?"

Lee looked over at him as if pleading him not to ask that question, until Kaiser answered for him.

"Well, me and Lee go back years! Used to be great drinking buddies but.. Lee doesn't have my healing so he got drunk one night and-"

His mouth was covered by a very flustered Lee as Aak was laughing.

"Wait wait- the boss here asked you out?! AHAHAHAHAH"

"Yea pretty much! Don't worry Lee I don't harbor any resentment of ya, heat of the moment thing. Now come on to Rhodes Island. I need your help."

The Old Draco King  (UNDER REVISION)Where stories live. Discover now