[Teaser] Past Uncovered

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"Two thousand years, Kaiser. That's how long I've known you, and yet... you lied."

"Kal you of all people would understand the need for secrecy!"

She scowled... "I know! And that's what makes this so much more difficult..."

She was no stranger to secrecy, was no stranger to keeping others safe... but she didn't like it all the same... and for once she was worried on what he had hidden.

It didn't take long for his past exploits to be found, considering he doesn't hide it if you ask. But nobody save for his family knows what he did in his youth... and now... Kal has found out.

"I didn't think you were capable of such... Extreme violence."

"Kal.. I cannot call myself a peaceful man unless I am capable of extreme violence, otherwise I wouldn't be peaceful, I would be harmless."

She looked at him, yes she did horrible things... she advocated mass genocide... but... his body count is higher than hers by potentially hundreds of thousands....

"Why?" She asked "Why of all people are your hands stained the darkest red?"

"Because they posed a threat. It was either I do nothing and let my people, the people who looked to me for guidance and protection die or destroy the ones threatening them."

She knew it deep down, his family were not simple people. They were deadly... after all they nearly killed Ishar'mla with the Abyssal Hunters, so she should have expected this.

But she didn't, she couldn't imagine the man Theresa claimed as her own son, the man she's seen playing with the children for hours without end, the man who despite all hostility against him treated everyone as his own child... being the reason multiple hundreds of thousands of people lost their lives... and the reason multiple Cities were destroyed.

"You don't seem to regret it.."

He looked angered at her, genuine anger seeped into his words "What?! Of course I regret it. Justified or not people died... I can do many MANY things but being back life... I cannot do... it pains me they had to die... pains me to no end."

Nobody expected Him to show up, nobody expected Him to start fighting Kaiser as if they had bad blood...

Well... nobody but-

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