Arriving Home (C6)

534 15 2

Outside world, third person

Everyone rushed around making room for the medic. Ace was checked over again and again only to be cleared aside from the missing arm, but the one to worry them all... Kaiser... he had yet to wake.

"Amiya for all we can do he's fine... we just have to wait..."

"I understand... I remember he's suffered far worse and kept going." She looked around "Alright everyone get ready! EVAC is on their way, heavy load! We aren't leaving him!"

On cue he grabbed her arm, slowly being helped up by the vanguards.

"Yea.. like hell you are."

"Kaiser... one of these days you're gonna fight someone as stubborn as you are... Kal'tsit don't do bits and pieces..."

He stood up fully, a few people who never seen him up close backed up on instinct. As he stretched he looked around.

"Alright! So what's our ETA on EVAC?"

"6 minutes out sir!"

"Good. How's the civies?"

His attention was brought to 2 people he recognized.. the Ursine family he saved.

"We are fine Doctor... thank you again for saving us."

"It was no problem.. we'll get you situated on Rhodes Island."

He looked up, noticing the heavy clouds circling. Something told him the choppers weren't gonna find them through the storm.

He stood up and stretched, not liking being hunched over, raising his arm high he proceeded to build a small ball of plasma in his palm. This sight gathered the attention of a few operators, he looked up and threw the ball. It made a screech sound as it exploded into a ball of purple light.

"Holy shit dude what the hell was that??" One of the vanguards asked .

"My arts allow me to control super heated atoms! I can make plasma or really big booms. That? Was a bright enough flare for the helicopters to spot us."

And just on cue two Chinook transport choppers arrived on scene. The wind caused by their massive rotors made everyone temporarily blind. Out from the back of one came a woman...

"Kaiser. You are a few years too late. We must hurry, a storm is coming and I doubt you could stop it this time."

"Been too long.. Kal..."

Helicopter bay, Terran Skies

Kaiser was currently napping and what nobody noticed was Kal siting next to him, smiling ever so slightly. What she didn't show was she genuinely was happy he was back and was enjoying the heat in the cold Cherno air.

"Dr Kal'tsist?"

She looked over, seeing one of the vanguards who accompanied her.

"I have to ask: why is the doctor so... look at him! I've never seen someone as large as he is!"

"If you read the mission briefing, Charles. You'd know he's a Draco. That already makes him different to us, though his case is special."

Before the conversation could continue the topic of conversation stirred.

"Mmm... not polite to talk about someone when they are right here. Yawn... Ask me later I'll explain some more." He turned his head to the Lynx "What's our ETA, Kal?"

She checked her watch "15 minutes. There's going to be a crowd, you know."

"Heh... I know.. let em come, been a while since I last saw em."

Timeskip brought to you by: Dark Souls. Who needs sex when Dark Souls fucks you in the ass every 10 minutes?

It didn't take long for the ride to be over. The helicopters landed and everyone scattered going to where they needed, that was until a group formed around the Doctor.

"Now now much as I would love to talk to you all we have work to do. I need to get caught up on the last 7 years..."

Ceaseless questions bombarded him, some wondering where he was, others how he came out unscathed, and even some wondering how he didn't die.

Kal took notice and shooed everyone out and back to work, though someone didn't go unnoticed.

"Kal. I can tell someone's following us, what's that about?"

"You must be sensing Red... she's an experiment I've taken under my wing. She didn't deserve what happened to her."

His expression darkened "Who's responsible?"

"We don't know. Not fully... but it's suspected to be Rhine Labs."

"I will look into it. For now I think retiring to my quarters is a good idea. I will hold a meeting in the atrium tomorrow.."

"Rest well Kaiser."

"You too, don't let me catch you pulling all nighters."

With that he deviated and approached a rather large door. "Office of Doctor Kaiser" read on the plaque... how long had it been... he needed to catch up on what happened most of the time.

He entered his office, noticing something shiny on his desk. Upon closer inspection it was a crowbar with an orange bow and a note .

"Think you dropped this, next time we meet I'll get you that beer I owed ya!


Hmm... he wondered how that officer was doing. Last he heard his mute friend came back after being AWOL. He should visit them some point.

But for now it was time to sleep.. time to dream.

That was, until he heard a woman's voice, beckoning him onward. He wasn't in Tera was he?

"We brought you into this world, I need your help. There are those more powerful than I conspiring to kill me... I wish to not die, in return for your help I will cease my war. Please, Kaiser, wake up and help us!"

When he awoke... he smelled the ocean...

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