Will diverge from canon, contains: Blood, Gore, sexual themes and talks of self harm and suicide.
Has crossover capabilities with ZhakaBeat's character Gharian. Much love and thanks to him for the ability to use other characters.
It had been 6 months on earth for Him.. but only a week on Terra. To say Rhodes Island was surprised at the new influx of people, especially powerful ones like Kaiserin, was an understatement.
Initially Kal'tsit was openly against Kaiser being married, what would she tell Theresa? But she knew, knew Kaiser would find someone again..
"So what's all been happening while I was gone?"
"Well. Aside from people panicking about losing you, as soon as Dusk came back and told me where you were things calmed down."
She turned her head to the white haired woman clinging to Kaiser "And Her... Kaiserin, though it is unexpected we are happy to have you here. I already took the courtesy of upgrading Kaisers room to fit you. And your Sirens will have their own dorm."
Kaiserin responded, not even opening her eyes responded quickly "For that you have my thanks.. and my apologies for taking him from you. He was the only being I could connect with on such short notice, but I do not regret the choice."
Kaiser had lost his arm to the Siren. She had spent the entire time wrapped around his arm. He didn't mind though. What he truly wanted was to get some rest.
And rest he did, his room was refurbished. Now having a king sized bed for him and her, the Kitchenette was revamped and remodeled, even the bathroom was redone.
Now it was his time to take on the arduous task of removing his clothes. What most didn't see was his Rhodes Island jacket was heavily padded to the point it could take a bullet. His usual under shirts were also padded and pocketed. His pants had pockets to make a dark knight blush...
It was heavy... his clothing weighed into the dozens of Kilos. More than any man could handle, well he was no man.
"Liebe why do you wear such heavy clothing?"
"My job required me to be on the battlefield.. it would be no use not having armor."
"But you can heal can't you?"
"Aye I can. Don't mean it don't hurt though, every single scar I have hurts in some way..."
He stood up and removed his shirt showing her his back.
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The tattoo glowing ever so slightly
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(A/N: karito_karma as always for the art. Many thanks to her.)
"That tattoo, you never fully explained what it was in depth."
"Ah yea... was going to but had to deal with the Commander being hostage... well you see this tattoo is... a different soul. It's the soul of my brother Ryū."
"You have a brother?"
"Oh my family is gigantic, you'll meet them someday. But he was the brother to Sarina... so we aren't related..." he took a deep breath as he sat down "we both were in the Yakuza but he was suffering from extreme oripathy... so our leader being the powerful man he was bonded his soul to mine."
He finished taking his boots off before continuing "fact is if I ever need he can take control. Though I'm powerful enough in my own right never to need it."
Kaiserin slowly crawled to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her head on his
"I again am sorry Liebe.. for taking you from this place.."
"Don't worry darling, I'm glad you did. I got to meet the girls in Azur Lane, and most importantly got to meet you."
She tilted his head back and kissed him gently.
"I'm glad you came into my life as well. Now let's get some rest aye?"
Despite the size difference she didn't hesitate to drag him down and embrace him.
"Yes.. let's get to sleep~"
Somewhere in Terra, Back Alley
"Hey BITCH!" A thug was seen shouting at some woman "YOU PASSING BY OUR TURF!"
The woman, who towered over him noticeably barely even responded "Oh? And who's the owner of this turf?"
The thug stood up, not even noticing the fact he couldn't see her face past the cloak "THIS PLACE BELONGS TO THE ALLEYWAY BOYS! YOU GOTTA PAY UP BITCH!"
She turned her head in confusion "Hm? And how much is the fare?"
Now the thug was baffled, she wasn't scared? "Nah you don't fuckin understand! We don't want your money~"
Multiple more people appeared brandishing weapons of many kinds, ones that stab, crush, swish and slash. She wasn't fazed.
"If that's the case then let's fight."
Her hands lit up with a blazing purple inferno, the sheer heat radiating off her fire ironically sent chills down their spines. One of them was brave, or stupid, enough to try and rush her.
It didn't take long before he started screaming in agony as she melted his skin. One of them thought he was the smartest of the bunch and tried to flank her. Only to be met by a tail crushing his windpipe.
"Two down, 2 to go."
She smiled happily as she pulled out a rather large Katana and cleaved the supposed 'leader' in two. The final guy was scared shitless to the point he gave up.
He got on his knees and begged, and pleaded and groveled at her feet.
"Hmm.. I won't kill you if you tell me something."
"Where's Rhodes Island?"
She looked at him, and hummed in response.
"Hmm.. acceptable. You won't be killed by me, but I want you to spread the word."
He looked up joyously "a-and what would that be??"
She bent down to be eye level with him, his eyes grew big as dinner plates when he saw her... piercing purple eyes, horns of dark black... and a reddish halo on her head...
"You will spread the word I am not to be fucked with. You will spread my name and hope to whatever god you worship they listen."
He looked at her puzzled "and- what name would that be...?"