Operator File: Empress

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Authorization.... Accepted. Authorized User: Doctor Kaiser. File Begin.

Name: Arbiter Empress "Kaiserin"

(A/N: she finally has Art! Once again thank you mom karito_karma  for the splendid art!)

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(A/N: she finally has Art! Once again thank you mom karito_karma  for the splendid art!)

Age: Unknown [NOTE #1 She has refused to let anyone but Kaiser know her true age. Will shut down any topics related to it.]

Weight: Estimate 400lbs [NOTE #2 She had mimicked Kaiser in many aspects one including her weight. Though with her slightly smaller stature she is lighter in proportion.]

Height: 7 feet 6 inches, 2.286 meters

Physical Attributes:

Arts: None [NOTE #3 She is not from our Terra. She is what is called a Siren. Both her and him have withheld information on this for the time being.]

Strength: Outstanding
Speed: Outstanding
Endurance: Outstanding
Intellect: Outstanding
Combat Skill: Extraordinary
Arts Adaptability: Extraordinary

[NOTE #4 She has shown similar if not exact attributes in physical strength as Kaiser. Although she is capable of floating a certain distance off the ground when she walks her strength matches his.]

[NOTE #5 She has many children from her dimension. Most of whom live on Rhodes Island helping out around and even boosting our technology. Laterano Representatives requesting weapons research.]

Abilities: Evolution.
Evolution is an innate Siren ability that allows them to evolve through combat, but Kaiserin has bypassed this somewhat by being in close proximity to Kaiser.

She has taken the same characteristic of his Draco heritage willingly.

Kaiserin has demonstrated tactical prowess surpassing even Kaiser, if given the reins she will without fail lead an operation to victory. But has shown extreme unwillingness to lead. Further questioning has led to the answer being she does not want to repeat the past.

Testing has determined her strength to be on par with the Doctors, able to comfortably lift 50 standard tons, 45359.2 kgs.

Her draconic features seem to be purely cosmetic and a product of her Evolution ability. If pressed she has said she can take any form desired if given enough time and able to leech enough power, further pressing has lead to Operator [REDACTED] being sent to the Infirmary.

Operator Gavial seems to get along best with Kaiserin, further noting not required.

[NOTE #6: The Sui siblings have taken her as family since she is married to the Doctor. Her and Ling get along best, Her and Nian sometimes spar in the training room requiring it to be repaired, Her and Dusk share a love for arts.]





[CREDENTIALS ACCEPTED: Welcome Dr. Kal'tsit]

Excerpt from Interview:

"Adding my own thoughts, initially I was angered at her. She was the one to pull Kaiser from our dimension. Though after much talking I have grown to enjoy her presence."

When asked about other topics relating to Kaiserin, Dr. Kal'tsit noted:

"She honestly scared me and many other operators. Her power rivaling one of our most powerful members put everyone on edge.. But she proved to be loyal to him and by extension us. She is as much family as any one else."


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