Operator File: Doctor Kaiser

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Medical Record, Doctor Kaiser. Level 4 access granted by Dr. Kal'tsit, For approved operator eyes only.

Name: Kaiser Vilt Herrmann

Age: 4750 standard Terra Years

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Age: 4750 standard Terra Years

Height: 7 feet 8 inches, 2.337 meters

Weight: 450lbs

[NOTE] Asking him about his weight can lead to you having broken bones. Tread carefully. -Dr. Kal'tsit

Physical Attributes:

Arts: Atom Manipulation, able to create high density plasma.

Strength: Outstanding
Speed: Outstanding
Endurance: Outstanding
Intellect: Outstanding
Combat Skill: Extraordinary
Arts Adaptability: Extraordinary

[NOTE #2] Testing have revealed he can lift 66 standard tons, or 59874.2 Kilograms. Under no circumstances are you to provoke a fight, you will be killed.

[NOTE #3] Extensive testing has concluded he is susceptible to very high pitched noises. Anything above 250 kHz has been seen to render him temporarily unable to fight. Anything above 200 kHz has been seen to give him major Migraines.

Infection Status: Non-Infected

Cell-Originium Assimilation: 0%

Blood Originium-Crystal Density: 0.0 u/L

Medical Addendum: Kaiser has a regeneration ability never seen before outside of the Sui sisters. He is able to regrow lost limbs in 10s of minutes and can reattach his head shortly after decapitation. All this comes at a cost of extreme food intake and high metabolic rate.

Kaiser has a metabolic efficiency of 79% far surpassing Terrans, as a byproduct his internal temperature at a resting degree is 121.1 Celsius. If under stress or extreme anger this temperature can leak out and cause 1st degree burns to anyone in close proximity.

His tail is shown to be a temperature control as well as prehensile, able to lift up to 3 standard tons or 2721.55kgs. He has shown the ability to move his tail in a variety of ways and directions with the only limiting factor being his orientation and tail flexibility. It sits at a 1.3 meters long, Texture has said to remind people of smooth leather.

[NOTE #4] His tail is also a deadly weapon when he wishes not to use his hands or already dangerous Halberd. Do not underestimate his ability to use it, Operator [REDACTED] found out the hard way of pissing him off.

Current Status: Kaiser is as of now somewhere else helping out. His wife, Kaiserin has come back every once in a while to give updates on his wellbeing.

Family: Kaiser has many Biological family that are only known to very few operators and they are under strict rules to not speak of them. Kaiser is the adoptive son of Theresa, and the adoptive brother of the Sui Sisters and former Reunion General W.

[NOTE #ERROR] Sometimes it's hard to get a read on him. When I came here from Columbia I expected a bumbling idiot not some mortal with divine blood.. it interests me to no end what he can do.. Maybe one day, Kaiser, I will get to explore what makes you tick...

Note Edit log retrieved: Last note made at 11:34 PM
USER: Ho'olheyak.

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