A New King Arises (SC)

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He walked the still cleaned halls of his family home. Painting covering both sides of the hallway... some he remembers fondly and others... he wish were burned. It has been 2 thousand years since he was last summoned here... he was young back then, now he was older and wiser to the world's mechanisms.

As he neared the large living room he could hear a small fire in the hearth, the clinking of a tea set and a woman's voice thanking the servant.

She noticed him and called for him to sit with her.

"Kaiser. How long has it been hmm? One thousand? Two thousand years? I remember when you were just a boy leaving home for the first time... When news of Aquila dying got here... Your father and mother were enraged at who did it... despite their own ailments they tried so so hard to find you..."

"Großmutter... yes it has been a while since I was here.. I am sorry I couldn't get back in time... things are boiling all over Tera."

Kaiser was a powerful man, but by no means was he the most powerful in the family. His Grandmother was the matriarch, and the one whose power was absolute. Even she towers above him, 3 meters in height dwarfing him.

"I have heard many things about you, how you gained the Favor of a Goddess, how you found love again with someone new, and how you gained a student. I am proud of you, One day he should come here, see what old families used to do millennia past."

She poured him some tea as he sat down. His family always had strong bonds... They valued family bonds over everything else, but it didn't matter if you were blood or not you were still family. And so you were the safest in the estate.

"Where is Mutter and Vater?"

She stopped, hands trembling ever so slightly, to a normal person that was unnoticed but to Kaiser he saw.

"Erica and Achilles... They passed away..."

He was at a loss for words... his mother and father gone.. and he hadn't gotten to say goodbye...

"How- how did they die..."

He asked with a shaky voice. One that lacked the confidence and intelligence he usually showed.

"They died in battle. But died due to the enemy being dishonest. Emperors Blades got to them... even they couldn't handle the strain.."

He silently mourned, a tear forming in his eyes threatening to fall.

"I am sorry Kaiser... I miss them with each passing day... I wish I could have told you sooner but I cannot leave here... they are not ready to see us again.."

"Do not worry Großmutter... I will live for them. I know they aren't gone completely. How are my aunts and uncles?"

She laughed, her grandson always had the most resolve of the family. Always had the will to live.

"They are strong and fine. Your Uncle Eobard is having twins. Your Aunt Delilah is having her third son. Our family is strong."

"This was not the reason I was called... was it?"

She looked directly at him, her purple and red eyes met his.

"No... It's not... Kaiser I won't be here long..."

He knew she was going to pass the torch at some point. Everyone has a limit, and hers just so happened to be 23,000.

"I see. I assume since I'm here... I will be the one to take your place?"

She smiled gently and held his hand like he was a newborn grasping at her once more.

"Indeed. You have the strength to match me, you have the will to surpass me and you have the friends to continue our family even if only in name."

"I promise I won't go easy on you. Just like you taught me..."

"I, Matilda Vain Herrmann, officially name you Kaiser Vilt Herrmann as my successor. May our battle be well fought. I will make sure to tell the others how you've been doing..."

Sometimes.. he feels the weight of the world crumbling on him. But he knows, he has family and friends, the war is not over but today? The celebration commences.

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