dart the psycho

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chapter six:dart the psycho

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chapter six:
dart the psycho


(you overdid it, dustin!)

for the past five minutes, sam has been angrily talking in spanish to dustin after what he told her.

"english please, sam.."
dustin softly said.

"no!...chingado, yo pensando que te iba cuidar. solo para que me salgas con esto!"
(damn, i thought i was going to take care of you. just so you can come out with this!)

dustin said confused, not so sure what she meant, but all he knows is he has to apologize.

"nada de sorry, te voy ayudar eh!"
(no sorry, i am going to help you!)

sam walks around the home to find anything to help them get dart out of the house as dustin follows her around.

"are you going to help me?"
dustin asked.

"no, aquí estoy siendo me pendeja."
(no, i'm here just being stupid.)

"obviously im going to help you, dustin..." sam pulls out a broom from the closet, pointing it at him. "i swear, if dart kills me. you're paying for my whole funeral expenses."

dustin agreed.

"DUSTY?!" they heard claudia yell. "SAM ARE YOU HERE ALREADY?!"

they both said in sync. they throw everything back into the closet like nothing happened, and came running to the living room.

"yes mom, we are just here...uh, finding things to make...lightsabers." he lied.

"oh? yeah! we decided to make some crafts today for his...uh homework, he has to create something." sam said.

"oh? well, i forgot my binder with my work forms. but i don't see mews around. mews always comes to me when i come home from work. she's always laying on the table by the window. where's mews?" claudia explained.

"oh? well...you see-"

"we were also finding mews. we wanted someone's company, and we wanted to bring her, but we couldn't find her. i wonder where's mews?" sam interrupted dustin.

"well i am not leaving until mews
says bye to me!" she exclaimed.

sam couldn't think of another lie, and
looks at dustin for backup.

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