getaway car (3)

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chapter six:getaway car (3)

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chapter six:
getaway car (3)


"SO, IF YOU'RE SAYING THAT TOM AND HIS WIFE COULD BE FLAYED TOO. THEN, WHY ARE WE HEADED TO THEIR HOUSE?" tara questions as nancy drives jonathan and the younger teens to heather's home.

"tara has a good point." lucas agrees. "we were barely able to defeat matt. what makes you think we can fight three more mind flayer's?" lucas questions.

"you guys seriously like asking a lot of questions."
nancy responds, annoyed about the many questions the younger teens were asking her and jonathan along the drive.

"i told you tara would be asking a lot of questions."
jonathan spoke as he rolled his eyes, also annoyed by the younger teens. "but you never want to listen to me." he added, earning a scoff from nancy.

"what's with you two?" mike questions the couple at the front of the car. "you two are acting like last year's sam and steve."

"my brother probably did something to nancy."
will spoke.

jonathan turns to look at his brother, offended. "why is it always my fault?" he asks. "anytime, nancy and i argue. i'm always the one to blame."

"because someone doesn't have my back when i get humiliated by the post reporters at work." nancy says.

the younger teens say.

"yeah, and who was the one who got us fired? i don't have a job to support my family anymore," jonathan argued back.

the younger teens listen to the couple arguing. tara starts to laugh causing the couple to stop.

"what's so funny?"
jonathan questions.

"couples are really stupid when they argue. if dustin and i were in that situation, you know what we would do?...either look for a better job or start our own post business. think about it, nancy you like to write, and jonathan you like to take pictures. just create your own business. stress-free, no sexist workers, and you're both your own boss. if you need the money, we can all pitch in for the business."  tara says.

the couple stays silent and looks at each other. that's not a bad idea, they both thought. they arrived at heather's home, got out of the car, and headed to the front door. nancy rings the doorbell, but no one answers. she rings it again, but no response. nancy looks at jonathan and they both look at el.

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