run, hide, fight!

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chapter seven:run, hide, fight!

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chapter seven:
run, hide, fight!


SCOOPS WATCH AS THE MACHINE ZAPS A LIGHT TOWARDS THE GATE. this year was going too well for everyone. anything well that happens in hawkins is a bizarre act. it's either murder, multidimensional creatures or russians trying to open up the gate...

"the gate." sam, dustin and steve said in sync as they glanced at one another.

"okay, we seriously gotta leave now, and alert the others about this." sam orders as everyone runs out of the door and back down to the comms room. "no more touring around."

"i don't understand. you guys seen this before?"
robin asks as she follows behind.

"not exactly."
steve says.

"then what, exactly?"
robin asks.

"all you need to know is if that thing opens up. we're all going to die." sam says.

"it's really bad."
steve says.

"like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad." dustin joined.

"and you know about this how?"
robin questions everyone.

erica looks at a blank floor. "um, steve? where's your russian friend?" she asks. everyone looks at the bare ground as an alarm goes off. "shit!" steve curses. he runs to the door and opens it catching a glimpse of his russian friend encircled by his partners. one of them glances up, "halt! halt!" he shouts as it begins charging towards him. steve quickly shuts the door, "shit."

"go, go, go, go, go!"
steve shouts as everyone begins to bolt before the russian guards can get to them.

dustin curses.

"move! let's move!"
steve yells.

dustin opens a door that directs into the scientist's laboratory. the scientists stare at them.

"go! shit, shit, shit!"
sam yells. they ran past them as the russian guards blasted through the doors and sprinted after them.

"go, go, go!"
steve yells. they run down the stairs to where the engine is. dustin lets out a shrieking scream as he shoves one of the scientists out of the way. but they stopped right at a dead end. sam wraps her arm around dustin making sure he doesn't go down. they all stand in front of the lasers shooting toward the gate.

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