this is why hawkin's can't have nice things (2)

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chapter two:this is why hawkin's can't have nice things (2)

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chapter two:
this is why hawkin's can't have nice things (2)


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IT'S BEEN THIRTY MINUTES PAST 8 O' CLOCK. sam was still by the road waiting for matt to pick her up, constantly checking her watch. matt is never late, where is he? she thinks to herself. he could be in traffic? had a later shift? sam didn't know why he was late. she decided to wait for a couple of more minutes which turned into an hour. it was already 9 o'clock, and matt was still not there. she sees a car light from a distance, expecting it to be matt's car, but it wasn't. the car drove passed her, but it stopped as it reserved back. steve harrington had a confused look on his face. why is she out here alone?

"what are you doing out here waiting?"
steve asks.

"i'm waiting for matt, he should be here any minute."

"a date at 9 o' clock? i am not the one to judge peoples dates, but that's a bit too late for you to be waiting out here. especially after what has been happening. what time was the date?"

sam hesitates for a bit.

"and you're still waiting for him?"

sam stays silent. steve looks at her, she got stood up. she took all day to get pretty for matt, only to get stood up. she didn't deserve that, she doesn't deserve to put it all to waste.

"get in."
he spoke.


"get in, you probably took the whole day to get ready for him. i can't have you waste all this prettiness. i'm taking you out."

sam walks to his car and gets in the passenger seat.
"but where are you going to take me?"

"it's a surprise."
he smirks as he drove to a diner that has a meaning, especially to both of them.


sam felt uncomfortable, not by the location, but by the way she was dressed. steve noticed, "if you want to go somewhere else we can."

"no, this is great. it's just my outfit."
she admits.

"what about it?"

"i'm too overdressed, and everyone is going to look
at me weird."

"if it makes you feel better, i'll walk in with my sailor uniform. " he says as he took of his jacket.

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