i spy with my little eye

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chapter five:i spy with my little eye

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chapter five:
i spy with my little eye


THE GIRLS WERE IN EL'S ROOM HANGING OUT while listening to angel by madonna. ♫ you must be an angel ♫ max sang along. ♫ i can see it in your eyes ♫ tara joined while el was looking through magazines, bopping her head to the music. when she landed on a page poster of ralph macchio a smile grew on her face.

tara noticed el smiling at a picture of him. "welcome to the club." she said.

el questions.

"that's ralph macchio."
max joined.


"yeah, he's the karate kid." max said as she did a karate move. "hai-yah!" the girls giggled.

"sam is crazy obsessed over ralph macchio. she got me to obsess over him. then i got max obsessed. now you." tara smiles as el does the same.

"he's so hot, right?"
max asks. "i bet he's an amazing kisser, too." el eyes go big from what she said. max hops onto the bed, "hey, is uh...mike a good kisser?"

"i don't know. he's my first boyfriend."

tara corrects her.

el smile drops just thinking about mike and her not being together anymore. "hey, don't worry about it. okay?" max comforts her.

"mike, will for sure come crawling back to you in no time, begging for your forgiveness." tara joins.

"i guarantee you, he and lucas are, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now. they're like oh, i hope they take us back." max mimics mikes voice at the end as the girls laugh.

"lucas is holding him while mike cries in his arms of pain from the punch i gave him. it hurts, lucas! i'm never going to break el's heart again." tara said, also mimicking mikes voice at the end. the girls laugh even harder, "god, what i wouldn't give to see their stupid faces." max says. el began thinking as the girls caught on.

"what is it?" tara questions.

✮ ✮ ✮

THE STATICS OF THE RADIO is heard in the room as el ties a black blindfold over her eyes. "is this gonna work?" max questions as el nods her head. "holy shit, this is insane."

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