this is why hawkin's can't have nice things

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anyways, i have decided to have jaeden martell as will byers from here on out. i believe he'd be a better cast for will byers. so let's all believe he's will byers in this story.

chapter two:this is why hawkin's can't have nice things

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chapter two:
this is why hawkin's can't have nice things


"SOME FLOWERS FOR MY PRETTY LADY." matt was standing behind sam, showing her a bouquet of flowers. she turns to face her boyfriend, and takes the flowers.

"you're so sweet."
she says before placing a kiss on his lips. she tries breaking away, but matt had his arms around her and holding her tight causing sam to giggle.

"matt, i'm at work."
she smiles in the kiss.

he breaks away, and sighs as he holds her hand.
"i know, i'm sorry." he smiles. "happy anniversary."

"happy anniversary."
she smiles back.

"these past six month have gone by so fast. all i can say is those six months have been the best months of my whole life. you're just this ray of sunshine that just lights everyone's life. you're the best girlfriend in this entire universe. i love you."

"aww stop. i wrote it all in a letter, but i just wanted to tell you that i love you and you make me the happiest girl in this world. thank you for everything you've done for me.'ll hear the rest through the letter or else i am just going to ball my eyes out, expressing my love to you in words." she smiles

"i can't wait to read your letter. i still have your other letters from when we were kids. i still read those every single day."


he hums in response.
"you're my prince charming to my cinderella."

sam laughs. "out of all of the letters you read that one?"

"that one is my favorite. especially the part where you said you love me more than ralph macchio."

"oh, don't get me started on him. i was crazy over him and now tara and max are obsessed with him."

"ralph macchio made every girl go crazy. but hey at least my girlfriend loves me more than him." he says as he kisses her lips. she giggles as she kisses him back.

"i hope we make it to our one year anniversary. we should do something really special, just the two of us."

"i promise we will, and you know i always keep my promises. i already have something in mind, but that's for you to wait on."

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