i did something bad (2)

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chapter five: i did something bad (2)

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chapter five:
i did something bad (2)


AXEL HAD GIVEN THE GIRLS A RIDE TO SCHOOL. max had called her mom last night to let her know she was staying over at tara's. her mom didn't mind, but someone else did.


max heard a car honk loud, she turned to look at where it had came from, and of course it was from billy. he motioned her with his fingers to come to him.

she groans. "i'll meet you by my locker."
she told tara.

"be careful."
tara walked away, and max made her way to billy even though she didn't want to be around him.

she stands by the passenger door.

"get in the car."
he spoke.

she listened to him, and sat in the passenger seat.
"what do you want?"

"maxine, you know you can't talk
to me like that." he spoke not making eye contact with her.

"you aren't my mom."

billy grabs her arm with force, squeezing it. so she wouldn't move.

"billy you're hurting me."
she said trying to get out of his grip.

"you listen to me. you stay away from people like the those bitches, and that stupid cop brother. they're only going to ruin you because people like them are a piece shit that don't belong here."

"what do you mean they don't belong here?"

he let's go of her.
"you know what i mean. stay away from those people, and you won't get hurt."

max got out of the car, massaging her arm.
"racist asshole." she mumbles

▣ ▣ ▣ ▣

STEVE AND BILLY WERE PLAYING BASKETBALL. at first it was a friendly game, but billy created it into some competitive ass match.

"alright alright!" billy yelled. "king steve, king steve, everyone! i like it, playing tough today."

"jesus! do you ever stop talking? come on."
steve spoke.

"what?" billy laughed as he dribbled the ball. "you afraid the coach is gonna bench you now that i'm here? huh?" out of no where, billy dribbled the ball passed him, pushing him causing steve to fall to the ground.

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