i spy with my little eye (2)

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chapter four:i spy with my little eye (2)

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chapter four:
i spy with my little eye (2)


AXEL STOPS HIS JEEP close to the entrance of the lab. all four of them grab their things and head towards the door. hopper grabs the bolt cutters to cut the chains from the doors. it looked the same as the last time joyce and hopper were there. they walked over the broken shattered door. scott stood behind joyce to protect her in case some evil scientist or demogorgan tried to attack her. he'd constantly look behind himself making sure no one was following them.

"hello?" hopper called out.


"anybody home?"
he calls out again.

"i don't think yelling and letting the lab people know we are here is being cautious." axel whispers.

"we come in peace."
hopper ignores axel.

"hopper if some russian guy comes bursting through these doors and attacking you. i am not jumping in." scott says before stopping his steps and noticing joyce looking at a specific spot. "joyce?"

joyce was getting deja vu from the last time she ever saw bob. the last thing she saw of him was being tackled and attacked by a demogorgan. she could hear herself screaming. she could hear him screaming in pain. bob extended his hand to her as he was being attacked.

scott calls again.

she snapped back to reality and looked at scott.

"you okay?"
he asks.

"yeah and no, but i'll be fine."
she smiles. "let's go follow the guys."

scott doesn't say anything and walks side to side with joyce. he knew joyce being here was bothering her. "if you want to talk about it, i'm all ears. i'm a pretty good listener." he smiles as they walk. which made joyce smile. "it's just coming back here brings back bad memories from the last time i was here, you know? anytime, i think of the bad memories, i want to go back and redo them...i miss him."

scott gives her a sad smile. he felt bad for joyce, not one good thing had happened to her. first the divorce, then, will's disappearance, and now when she thought she had found love and happiness, she gets it taken away from her. life hasn't been fair to her.

"it's okay to grieve, but it's not okay to grieve forever. bob wouldn't want you to be sad forever, he wants you to go out there and do great things. we can't go back and redo all of this. it really does suck, but we gotta accept it and move on, you know? he wants you to create new memories. he doesn't want you to close your book just yet. you still have a lot more to write in it. he wants you to write in your book about you meeting someone, and making these beautiful memories with that special person. he might of already send that special person, but you stood them up." scott finishes.

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