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Grief is just another form of love. 

The kind that you want to give but cannot. 

The one that has no home to return to. . .


The little girl unleashed a sharp cry as she was shoved into the ground. With misty eyes, she glanced up through tousled black hair at her attacker.

"What's the matter Freak? You create water now?" One of the boys mimicked her weeping as he sneered,

Their malicious laughter filled her ears.

"Oh wait," another girl snickered, "Those are tears!"

"Just don't pee in your skirt next, okay?"

The gang's cackle roared up harder.

The little girl dropped her head slowly so they wouldn't see how her chocolate brown eyes welled up again. Unfortunately, the tears kept on emerging as her tiny body started to tremble with each sob.

If only the ground would open up and swallow her whole. . .


It was truly puzzling. . .

Why does it always have to be this way?

She just wanted to make friends. . . belong somewhere. . .

Just for once. . .

Was it that too much to ask. . . ?

"Hey! Leave my sister alone!"

The little girl and the pack of bullies perked up at the sound of a new arrival.

They all turned, pnly to be confronted with a boy who heavily resembled the girl they had been tormenting. The main difference was the flaming rage on his features.


The group's leader pointed at the crying girl, "You mean this freak here is your sister?!"

This was the biggest mistake he could have ever made.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now