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Yusuke opened his eyes and found himself upside down. 

And...in mid-air?

The initial shock made him drop a few feet but he thankfully caught himself back up.

What the fresh hell is this?! Why am I flying in the air and how?

Just when he thought things couldn't get any more bizarre he looked back down to the crowd of people... and the boy that was lying in the very middle with a big bloodied injury on the side of his head... motionless...

Wait a minute... is that...? His eyes dilated in utter disbelief.

The hell?! Isn't that my body down there?!

Yusuke looked at his hands in a panic before returning focus to the current scene. Okay, this is weird. Stupid weird.

He carefully floated over and landed in front of what was supposedly his body, scrutinizing the blank, lifeless face that stared right back at him.

Yusuke didn't know what to make of it.

Just what on earth was going on? How was this even possible?

Ambulance sirens wailed. The paramedics were here.

"Alright people clear the path!" someone called, and everyone immediately did so.

"Right!" the first medic said. 

"Here's one!"

He immediately set about checking the little boy over while his partner knelt beside Yusuke.

"Besides a few scratches, this boy looks just fine." 

The little child wailed and sobbed uncontrollably.

"Well, at least one of them is." Soughed the other.

Yusuke couldn't believe his ears.

"HEY!" he yelled. But nobody seemed to hear.

"Please, let me through!" A woman's desperate shout rang through the air as she finally got through the wall of people.



The little boy cried harder as the woman with dark brown hair rushed over and engulfed him in a tight embrace. He clung to her for dear life. "Mommy!"

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now