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"Hey Yusuke, can't you just admit it would be easier to lean on my shoulder?"

"Right, can't you admit that would be embarrassing?"

With that, Yusuke limped ahead with a stick from the forest. It was a better option than asking for help and ruining his tough-guy reputation not to mention the number of girls who'd already gotten hurt from trying to help him.

Shit, if Miss Harpy saw me like this now, she'd probably–

His compass began to beep snappily, and upon hearing it, Botan immediately rushed to his side.

"What's up?"

They exchanged a grim look and started scanning the area. A demon was nearby, but where? And who?

"There!" Yusuke hissed as he spotted the well-dressed and familiar redhead by the hospital's entrance. But he wasn't alone.

Yusuke's eyes bulged when he realized who else was there.

"Is that... Miyuki?" Botan asked.

Yes, Miyuki was indeed standing alongside Kurama. Yusuke's heart skipped a beat.

The hell is she doing?!

She was alone with the criminal they were supposed to arrest and in no shape to defend herself.

Damn it, what's that creep doing here with my sister?

From their interaction, it was evident that they were engaged in a casual and amicable chat, devoid of any animosity.

Yusuke didn't know what to think. He would've anticipated Miyuki to act accordingly; and neutralize the situation like with those thugs that tried to harm Kuwabara or Keiko. But here, she looked rather calm. Friendly, even. As if she was... enjoying Kurama's company.

Just what is she doing? Wait, did HE do something to make her act like this? Yeah, that's gotta be it!

But what could he do? There were so many people around, and probably cameras too. If a fight broke out, some innocent bystander was bound to get hurt.

"I'll try to talk with my brother for the time being," Miyuki said as she fixed her arm sling.

"Of course."

Miyuki nodded and turned to leave when Kurama spoke again.


Kurama caught Miyuki's wrist at the same time he reached into his hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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