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 "She is already back?"

"She looks awful."

"I honestly thought she would take a couple of days off to grieve."

"The others were right, she is heartless."

"Maybe she took over Yusuke's gang?"

"Doubt it. She might be a snake, but she is not as strong as her brother. And that's a fact."

"Let's just avoid her for now."

The school day just started and students left to right began to murmur more rumors about the younger Urameshi twin. It was pathetic how they were fine with making up false stories, but had no balls to approach her themselves.

Keiko would have loved to tell those people off, but Miyuki shut down the idea while reassuring her that none of this affected her.

Keiko didn't believe her, but she decided to hold back. For now at least.

"It will be alright Miyuki, maybe they will cut it after a couple of days."

Miyuki merely rolled her eyes. "High doubts about that sweetness. Now that my brother is gone, I'm sure they'll take their chances on picking on me any second now."

It was nothing but the plain and harsh truth.

Since day one these narrow-minded peeps never thought of her as a living being but some virus to avoid or attraction for their amusement. And now with Yusuke out of the picture, time can only tell when they will decide on striking her.

She shook her head in exasperation. Guess they aren't cultured enough to learn how you should never judge a book by its cover. 

Right after that mental note Miyuki's hand flew up to her face and began to rub her temple.

"You sure you're okay Miyuki?"

As Keiko was checking, Kuwabara was peeking from his hiding place behind them. Once he managed to steal a glance from Miyuki's face, he ducked back behind the wall.

"Hmpf!" His fists were close to his chest as the determined fire burned inside him. Come on Kazuma, don't chicken out now. Just apologize for being rude at the wake and then ask her out on a date to make up for it.

Okubo looked between him and the girls' direction with a drop of sweat on his face. "Are you sure this is a good idea, Kuwabara?"

"You know him, Okubo," Komada said. "Once he's made up his mind, there's no stopping him."

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now