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"So can you explain to me again about this place we are going to?" Yusuke asked as he clung to the end of Botan's oar that soared through the endless night sky.

"The Spirit World." Botan repeated.

"Right...well what is that?"

"It's the realm where the people who live outside the living world exist, including the person who will explain your ordeal."

Yusuke glared. "And who is this stupid mystery man? If someone wants to say something, they should come to me."

"His name is King Enma."

"What?! Are we dealing with royalty now?"

Botan spun around with a stern look, "That's right Yusuke, and you would better not be foul-mouthed, or impolite around him like you usually are. He calls the shots and he could send you to oblivion forever if he wants to."

"Woah, now wait a second!" Yusuke yelped. "I think we should discuss this!"

Sadly he couldn't make that compromise, because Botan increased the speed and they shot into a shining portal that appeared before them.

He screamed in full voice as they went for a tornado spin, but in a minute or so they left through a massive layer of white clouds and located themselves in a different realm.

Yusuke stared at the long river that was zig-zagging in the very middle of a huge gold desert landscape.

"Wow, everything's so big. Is that the river Styx?"

"Well, of course. And just up ahead is the Gateway of Decisions."

Botan's oar now reached a route that was surrounded by tall and spiky mountains. From afar, Yusuke was able to make out a huge building with a very tall tower, and a minute later they had landed in front of the huge door.

"Oh man, what a pad." Yusuke complimented in a daze. He tried to look up, but the sight only made him dizzier. He felt like a small bug that could be squashed by a giant boot.

No one could blame him though. The entire building was probably larger than the Great Chinese Wall, or the other World's seven wonders combined as one...

Botan pushed the button of the doorbell communicator. "Botan here, I got a new arrival with me."

Right away, the doors parted for the two.

Ice raced down Yusuke's spine when he saw the dark long hallway ahead of him. On each side there were lines of tall poles all marched up, but on the ceiling above, the long line of lamps was shaped like the spine bones of a titan.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now