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 "Code Red emergency. REPEAT! CODE RED!"

The alarm of the Security system rang sharply through the entire palace of Spirit World. Alerted by the sound, the guards ran full speed towards the source.

"Attention! All guards report to the palace perimeter! Seal the doors! They've taken all three of them! Repeat! They've taken all three of them!"

Inside the vault, the ogres unfortunate enough to have been stationed there had already encountered the thieves. Two of them remained in the shadows, but the third, the largest and most muscular was busy trying to crush the ogre's head in his giant hand.

"Alright Gouki. That's enough," one of his companions said.

"Yes, our time runs short," said the other.

Reluctantly, Gouki dropped the ogre and fled with his comrades, leaving the room full of knocked-out ogres and an empty table in the very middle.


"Yusuke?" Atsuko shook the sleeping Yusuke gently. "Yusuke, wake up. Please, Yusuke! Don't leave me!"

Finally, her son stirred awake.

"What's the deal?" Yusuke rubbed his eyes.

"You're back..." Atsuko breathed. " Thank goodness..."

She dropped to the floor, crying like a baby.

"Yes Mother, I'm alive just like yesterday." With another yawn, Yusuke rose from his bed and reached for his alarm clock. "Don't normal people sleep at six?"

This was utterly flabbergasting.

"But I... I ... But I had a dream where you asked to go away. . . because of me. . . "

As she sobbed even harder, Yusuke resisted the urge to roll his eyes. She's done this every morning since I came back to life...oh well, I guess it beats being passed out on the floor.

Either way, he was wide awake thanks to her. He headed for the bathroom to prepare himself for the day.

His first day back at the hellhole otherwise known as school.

As he got his green jumpsuit on, something fell out of his pocket.

Yusuke picked up the item.

"Oh yeah, it's the spyglass or whatever...."

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now