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Kazuma tied the white bandanna around his head. He stepped out of his room, but on the way, he saw a broom resting on the wall. His sister probably was preparing to do some cleanup.

Perfect. Kuwabara approached the broom and then screwed off the head so that he can have some form of weapon for his upcoming fight.

Daisuke is one big bully, but knowing him he won't be alone at that dump.

The thought scared him a little. Fighting many punks alone might not be the best solution. If his friends were all rag-dolled by Daisuke and his two friends alone, then he alone might be no different...

Maybe if Yusuke were alive...

He shook his head out of it and reached down the stairs.

I won't give up! I won't risk my friends, and I will not turn my back on people that need me!

At last, he finally made it downstairs and opened the door.

Don't worry Urameshi, I'll make sure to keep your sister safe and save Keiko fast. But if I die trying, heh, might as well be. At least we will be able to fight each other on the flip side-!

"Going somewhere, baby brother?"

"EEK!" Kuwabara peeked behind him. "I uh, yeah Shizuru! To uh, to my friends!"

"Well, sure." Shizuru shrugged. "But last time I checked it was your turn to do some cleaning today."

"But Shizuru-!"

"Get it done then you can go play with your friends or whatever. Unless you want to start paying rent."

Kuwabara growled. "Gosh darn it Shizuru."


Music blasted from the small radio, but it was all drowned out by the laughter of many street punks who were swallowing from big bottles. If the pungent smell of alcohol was not enough to spoil what little oxygen remained in the basement-like space, there was the thick cloud of smoke as well that came from their burning cigarettes.

The only pure and normal thing that was in that little bar-like establishment was poor Keiko who had been seated in the corner with the only clean chair that she managed to find. It was the only spot where she could feel somewhat semi-safe from the noisy pigs that forced her down there.

Oh, how she wished she listened to her friends and just run away, but if she had done that, Kuwabara's friends would have been seriously hurt. That was the least she could have done after how they saved her and Miyuki.

While she was deep in thought, one of Daisuke's comrades examined her a little hungrily.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now