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"Thank you, sir." Keiko bowed her head, placed her items in the bag, and handed the rest to Miyuki. 

"Are you sure you're okay, Miyu?"

Miyuki nodded curtly before she let out another big yawn.

Keiko was not persuaded. Not when Miyuki was looking at her with such a pale complexion and dark circles under her brown eyes.

"Miyuki," Keiko said carefully. "Listen, maybe you should take some time off from school. I can talk to Takenaka if you need to–"

Miyuki shook her head as she turned on her heels. "You know I can't do that Keiko."

Keiko sighed through her nose as she watched Miyuki get her backpack back on. "Miyuki-."

"Come on, let's go!"

The girls turned around and saw a few people running like headless chickens.

"There is a fire in Fort- Chrome Block!"

Both their stomachs dropped at those words.

They looked up, and to her horror, a huge cloud of black smoke billowed through the air, right over...


Without conscious thought, Miyuki's legs sprang into action and moved forward with a remarkable speed.

"Miyuki, slow down!"

She didn't respond to Keiko; nor did she pay any mind to the people she almost collided with at the corner she turned to. Heck, despite how every cell in her weary body screamed for her to stop, she didn't.

She just ran forward, praying to god or whoever was up there that it wasn't her house...

Miyuki didn't stop... She couldn't...

Damn it Yusuke!

... Never again...


The growing crowd outside the Urameshi house was doing their best to tame the fire with buckets of water. But their efforts seemed futile as the inferno within raged harder. Despite their best attempts, the heat was so intense that it shattered the windows into pieces.

As the bystanders attempted to mitigate the damage, Miyuki and Keiko eventually arrived on the scene.

Their hearts raced up their throats as another window was eaten by the flames.

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now