A/N - Welcome Back

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Hoi there fans old and new, big and small,

My name is Naomi and welcome to the rewrite of Flaming Hearts.

At last, it's finally happening everyone!

The story that had been waiting to be formed and properly told since forever. . .


First of all, I would love to say thank you for every person that took their time to read the older books. To this day, I will greatly apprechiate your love and kindness you had given it through out it's journey. 

And for that, I once more apologize for the inconvenience I caused to those that had waited for the end of the older series for so long.

As mentioned before, while the previous version still holds a special place in my heart, I later on realized that the series needs a serious refresh by removing the plot holes, expand characterisations and fix grammar/plot structure and etc. 

It's a way of showing my growth as a writer, and telling Miyuki's story in a way she, and you readers, deserve.

Thankfully, with my great friend/online sister, 🌸@Rosentic_xo 🌸

I might be able to reach that goal as she will help me with editing and suggestions to better myself as a story writer.

I highly recommend checking out her YYH Story, it's one of those rare gems that deserves high recognition. My big sister Bee Belle is so awesome.



As for the story itself, It remains mostly the same.


Or maybe not at all.

There won't be huge changes, but if you've read the original version, you'll notice the differences and the new twists that I hope you'll all love and appreciate.

Characters and dynamics might possibly change, both canon and original, but either way, they will gain the arcs they deserve. 

I will definitely work hard on those especially so that the moments they all share and create feel more earned than rushed (in my own opinion that is).

Either way I hope this new version of the book will give you an amazing time like it's predecessor.


⚠️Content Warning⚠️:

To those who are sensitive, this series contains mature, heavy, and confronting topics/images such as blood, gore, flashes, heavy cursing, and many other dark or messy subjects that could be triggering to some people.

I will place warnings in the neccesary chapters if needed.


By all means, read my work and enjoy, but please be gentle and respectful towards it along with the writing decisions I had made, and keep that in mind when you wanna leave comments on it as well.

^^ After all, this is a fanfiction that I just wrote to have some fun  and spread my creatyvity ^^

If you enjoy the series, then please feel free to comment. I'm happy to have you all here!


🛑And one last request but important rule🛑:

Like in the old book I plan on placing arts here as well sooner or later, or when I manage to have the time and energy for it.

Either way, I ask you to not take or use my art. You can look all you want but please don't take screenshots of it, re-post mentioned screenshots, and don't even think about tracing it and publishing it as your own work.

No funny business with my artwork either way!

I am more than happy to share my creations with you which takes much of my energy and time, so please don't take these efforts for granted and disrespect them or me as a creator.


If you had reached the bottom, thank you for taking your time and patience to hear me out, respecting my wishes that I established here, and most of all spare some time to read what I had written.


Now with all that out of the way, let us begin our journey with Miyuki Urameshi and her amazing team/family. . .

🔥ʟᴇᴛ'ꜱ ꜱᴇᴛ ᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛꜱ ᴏɴ ꜰɪʀᴇ!🔥

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now