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A young child's laughter rang among the chattering, busy street as he played with his father. Though surrounded by crowds, father and son were all that existed to the other.

However, as they had a blast together, they failed to notice the tall and imposing figure who emerged from behind the building's corners. The stranger had a sinister smile stretching across his face as he fixed his gaze on the little boy.

He raised a round object, and it glowed in a bright green color.


Botan began storming towards Koenma's desk before the doors had finished opening.

"You must be out of your mind?!"

Koenma jumped. "Oh, Botan! You came!"

"Well! YES! Did you think I wouldn't when you sent both of my best projects to a pack of wolves? We don't know much about these criminals, but from what I heard they're pushing out tremendous amounts of energy. They'll rip both Yusuke and Miyuki into PIECES!!!"

"Yes - yes," Koenma stammered. "I understand the odds are against the twins, and I would have preferred them to start on smaller cases until their abilities grew and improved. But with this new case I... I had no choice!"

"Fine! Give them the case," Botan sighed with a slight huff."but at least let me train Yusuke for a while first! Same with Miyuki once she's recovered fully.

"How much can they learn or recover in less than a week?" Koenma's question made Botan jump a bit.

"Less than a week? Surely those criminals can't cause damage in that little time, would they?"

"I-I'm not sure," Koenma lowered his gaze. "But the crooks aren't the problem..."

"Then what?"

Koenma held his head with both hands in fear. "M-My father... He will be back from vacation in a week."

All color drained from Botan's face.

"K-King Enma is coming back?!"

Koenma nodded. "The one thing he always tells me is to protect the King's Vault, but I didn't think someone would actually break in!"

"W-will we be scolded really badly, you think?"

As an answer, Koenma let his head drop on the table. "I'm afraid ours would be a minor issue, but if Dad gets angry the whole world will suffer."

Botan swallowed hard. "Can't you just.... explain it?"

Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~Book1 {REWRITE}Where stories live. Discover now