Chapter 8

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I felt someone shove my shoulder and I sturred against the chair seat. I fell asleep earlier, " Hey Liz get up we are here." I finally opened my eyes and saw Jas in front of me with a bag, I looked at it for a while still not awake properly yet to actually make a sentence. " oh, while you were asleep we went by Malique's place to get his clothes, when we came back you where still asleep so we didn't want to wake you." " But you are home now, be safe this dumbass is gonna be there to protect you if anything happens", He said handing Malique the bag.

I don't even know why Malique would agree to stay with me when we barely know each other, but I did say yes he could stay, or more like I didn't have a choice. We said our goodbyes and Jasper drove off. I looked at my phone which said 1:17 am. I yawned then I felt a warm hand on my lower back guiding me toward my front door. I unlocked it and I could admit I did want my parents to be there to at least hug my mom even tho we don't have the best relationship with each other it would still be nice. We were met with dead silence, I don't like that. I dragged myself to the kitchen while Malique looked around. he could stay in the guest room. I took a bottle of water out of the fridge and gulped it down with one of my painkillers.

I threw it in the trash can and turned around only to be met with a set of light-brown eyes staring at me." you do know it is creepy to stare a person down", I walked past him and he followed me up the stairs. Walk him like a dog bitch walk him like a dog I said in my head chuckling to myself. " What's so funny?" Oh nothing, I just pictured you being a dog in my head'

"Nothing, uh this is your room", I said going to walk away." I would rather sleep in your room Mamas", he said right by my ear his hot breath fanning my face and neck causing me to shiver and let out a small wimper. Mamas! I didn't think a word like that could have such an effect on me. I heard him chuckle and backed up a little but not enough for me to move past him without brushing against him. He watched me with an amused look on his stupidly ugly face.

I bent my head down to hide my red face...he lifted my face back up, making eye contact and then he leaned in and kissed my forehead. Short but long enough to make me freeze up and stop breathing, What is wrong with me? " Good night Elizabeth", he said before walking into his room and closing the door softly.

I stood there not knowing what to do, but eventually, I got the strength to walk to the bathroom to take a shower. I walked out of the shower with a towel in my hand drying my hair and the next around my body getting changed into a big white tee and some underwear. I hopped in bed and read a book until I couldn't fight the sleep anymore and passed out.

Malique POV:

I got up early today, sleep is really good for the mind, soul, and spirit. Anyway, I made scrambled eggs and some French toast and bacon, the classic movie breakfast. That was when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked up to be met with an absolute beauty, her long ginger hair flowed down her back. She wore a big T-shirt and I don't think it has anything under the shirt. Fuckk! It's too early in the morning for me to be getting turned on. She walked over to me rubbing her eyes while yawning. Cute

"Everything looks so good can't wait to try", she smiled and I gestured for her to come to sit. I kept my eyes anywhere other than her. She sat down and started eating," Are you going to go to school today?" I asked curious since she was not dressed. " No, I don't need to go I emailed the principal, you could go", she said while stuffing her mouth with food.

" The whole point of staying with you baby is to be by your side and protect your ass If you're not going I'm not going" Before I could think I called her baby. I saw her face turn a shade of red, I made her blush!! I cleared my throat, "Okay but I want ice cream, Salted caramel to be exact." 'She likes salted Caramel ice- cream, " I prefer cookies n' cream"

" You are not wrong, it does taste good but it can't compare with salted caramel, I'm gonna go up and take a bath", she said getting up and walking up the stairs. The shirt she has on rides up a bit showing her panties. I quickly turned away not wanting to stare and be a creep. While I washed the dishes I heard a car pull up outside and an engine turning off.

I dried my hands and walked to the window that faced the driveway, a black Mercedes was parked outside that looked like 4 men inside. I quickly walked up the stairs heading straight for Liz's room. I burst through the door and I froze and my heart dropped. Her window was opened, and she was on the floor with a guy over her with a lamp in his hand.

I ran up to him and punched him in the back of his head, it hurt but the amount of force I put into that punch he knocked out was cold. I ran over to her and picked her up, she didn't look like she had obtained any injuries I blew out a breath of relief.

I walked down the stairs and went through the back door, quietly I took out my phone and took a picture of the license plate. I have two options, either I go out there and most likely blow my cover as her so-called bodyguard or I call the police and let them get away. I walked closer to get a better look and when I saw who was standing by the car..... I froze.

(1982 words)

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