Chapter 16

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El Pov:

"Benny, Hey wait up ", I said while jogging over to him

" Hey wassup...

" Call me Eli" I said since he don't know my name

" Okay then Eli, What can i do for you?" 

" I want to know if you have enough free time to help me out with math and maybe a little bit of chemistry?" 

" Uhh... does Monday evening sound good because that's the only free time i have after school hours" He said kinda timidly...cute.

" Yes that would be great.. here is my number ill call me when you are ready" I said and gave him my phone number then walked off after saying bye and thanking him.

I strolled into the school again heading to art class... it is the only class that is not as boring as the rest and you could use your imagination very widely. But there is only problem...Malique's is in here. I know what i did nut i did not think about what i did before i did it. Which is just going to make things a little awkward after the little shit show in the cafeteria.

I went to the back of the class before the teacher got here which is a step up for me. I sat there and watched the set of flies piled in with there conversations about shopping and who's party is this and who's party is when. Ughh i hate high school.

Resting my head down on the table just for a minute turned into 5 and 5 turned into 15, by the time i got up half of the class was over. I turned to the side and yawned but my yawn stopped abruptly when i saw who was watching me. 

Malique's pov: 

I sat there and i couldn't take my eyes off her. She was asleep in class again, she likes her sleep and i cant blame her school is exhausting. She got up after 20 minutes, and started to yawned. SHIT!! she caught me staring at her, that's embarrassing but I'm not going to turn away. After the stunt she pulled this morning i have an extreme case of blue balls right now and it hurts like a bitch. 

We were still making eye contact, when the teacher said we have to be put into groups for a a group project. i didn't hear a lot of it, but what i did  hear was she was pair up with that same guy Benny. That made my blood boil, so i just looked away from her focusing back on class.

After the last bell rung, I pretty much jumped out of my seat and ran to my truck before anyone can stop me. I have to get home to do something about this situation that is going on down south. As i was about to pull out of the parking lot, i saw Liz by her car talking to Benny and he was laughing at something she said. I stopped truck and jumped out, speed walking over to them. " Hey there Benny boy, sorry go to take from you now... see yah" i said after giving a little to hard pat on his back causing him to hiss out loud. I grabbed Liz hand and walked her over to my truck," Get in now".

She did then i drove out of the parking lot, " Hey where are we going and you left my car back there" She said frustrated. I kept quiet and speed up a little more until i came to a stop Infront of my house. I got out the walked over to her side before she can open the car door i did it for her offering my hand but she ignored me and got out for herself. As she was walking up to my front door i gave her a slap on her ass just for ignoring me. 

She let out a yelp and turned around abruptly " If i was to slap you on your ass every time you ignore me you would have gotten yours already cocksucker"! then turned around. " Hey okay I'm sorry i spanked you, but i would do it again and again just because i like the sound you make when i do it". I said while lightly caressing her butt giving it a little squeeze.

"Just go and unlock the door", she said after taking a deep breath pointing at the door. When she got settled on the couch in the living room i went to get some beer from the fridge and pop some popcorn. I watched her eyes twinkle when she saw the bag of popcorn in my hand, I chuckled a little and hand it to her.

i put on a movie named Saltburn, i heard there was a bunch of people talking about it a couple days ag, they said it was trending and i have to watch it to see why. I popped open my bear and relaxed after i took the first gulp of it. Turning my head to the side i see Liz already watching me but she just smiled and turned back to the tv.

TIME SKIP to the grave scene.....   iykyk

"Oh My God!!! I Don't Wanna See More Ahh Cut it off ahhh!!" i heard Liz screaming but to be honest i wasn't even watching anymore i was to busy with my 7th beer i think or was it 9th... i don't know i lost count. I stopped watching the movie after the guy drank the next guy bath water, I just drowned it out with beer.

Now i don't think i can stand much less walk over to the table where the remote were placed. " No, you get it lazy ass." I said dropping my head back on the back of the couch and lifting my hips up trying to get comfortable but i think I'm sitting on something. I'm in no mood to get up at all right now so i just leave it. 

I hear the movie pause and i suddenly felt Liz hand slid over my chest, running down until she stopped at Malique Junior making him twitch. I groan as she gave me a firm squeeze, then her hand was under my shirt rubbing up and down my abs gently causing me to tense up a bit. I grabbed her hand before she could slip them into my sweatpants. "Don't start something you can't finish Princess". I turned to look at her without lifting my head from the couch. 

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