Chapter 3

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Elizabeth Pov:

That was one of the most embarrassing moments in my life... I swear I wanna jump off a very tall building go through the ground and just keep falling. He was so ughhh... anyways what was he doing here at the school, was he stalking me...pfft nah I don't think he is capable of even handling me in a situation like that. If he chokes me I will probably say do it harder papi.

He called me weird... He's the weird one, walking in the school hallway where people are supposed to walk and getting behind the door that leads to the hallway. How dare he!!

I was late for chemistry, very late so I don't think is a good idea to walk in right now and disrupt the student learning. I rolled my eyes at the thought of my chemistry teacher...Mr. Duncan. I like the subject just not him, he gives me the creeps. Every time a person walks into his classroom he has this weird creepy smile on his face. Like the Grinch well without the green part. The last time I watched The Grinch was with Sade, We had a marathon one night watching random childhood movies, eating popcorn, drinking soda, and just pure and raw happiness. Sade was my happiness when she left she took it with her.

Sade had black shoulder-length hair, with an hourglass shape she was always on the thick side. Thick bitch Mimmy I used to call her, Sade was absolutely beautiful. She had this perky outgoing personality while I was more on the quiet side, she adored the color purple and pink while I liked more neutral colors. Me and her was the complete opposite but I guess we attracted each other. I loved her so hurt when she left so abruptly still hurts and that was 2 years ago.

The bell for lunch rang and I went into the cafeteria, I can not exaggerate this more than I'm doing now. The food fucking Suck, It all looks like something a cow ate spit out swallowed then shit out on the plate. You would think that they have a whole-ass swimming pool, a greenhouse, and a fucking water fountain, no not the little ones a gigormunous one.

I looked at the food on the plate like my last math test score, disappointing. I pulled out my book and started reading, I love me some dark romance. I felt someone staring at me... since I get stared at often I don't think much about it. 

This one felt different, it felt more intense...more hot. I turned around and met with light brown eyes piercing through my skull. I quickly turned back around and took a deep breath in, that gaze was intense. " Is he still mad about what happened in the hallway?" Damn, I thought we came to an agreement, I do not know what agreement but... wait he goes to school here!!

Since when, how, why...Before I embarrass myself again, I will just quietly leave.

Malique POV:

Something about her... is interesting. She got up and speed walked out of the cafeteria her long ginger hair flowing behind her. I don't know her name yet, but after both times I bumped into her I never once asked for her name. "What is the ginger-haired girl's name?", I asked some random guy at the table I was sitting at. " Elizabeth, she a real creep... always zoning out and bumping into people. She's never in class and if she is, she never says anything". Well, he is not wrong about the bumping-into-people part, I urged him to go on." She likes to read books and other boring shit, uh other than that no one really knows anything about her except Sade".

"Who's Sade?",  I asked. " That was her best friend from freshman year I think I don't know, what I do know is that they were inseparable...absolutely hooked to each other that is until Sade moved away to Germany. She became the person she is now I guess, quiet and weird. she sometimes talks to herself". I gave him a nod and walked out of the cafeteria. I Have to at least get her to have an actual conversation with me.

Don't know why she keeps running away from me.

Elizabeth POV:

I ended up at the back of the school. I don't know why he was staring but I don't want to find out. I feel like I sound like a victim right before they get kidnapped and like die or something Heh I can't die, I'm immortal I'll never die... neverrr.

I saw a person approaching me in a black hoodie with its head down He looked exactly like a kidnapper omg this is it I'm going get kidnapped and molested by 5 autistic clowns. " Hey, what are you doing here?", it was the same guy. I probably looked absolutely mortified. I feel my face get hot I bet I look like a chimpanzee ass. 

"What are you doing here, you scared the living hormones out of me", I said finally letting out a long breath. He looked at me for a while then sat beside me on the old bench, making it rock to the side. " I was hot so I came out here to cool off", I said. " and you walk to the whole other side of the school just to cool off", he said while using finger quotes." I don't know why you followed me here, and to have the audacity to ask me questions."

He ignored what I said, " I'm just here to ask you your name love", I blushed yet again. What is with that nickname, he said it twice since we met." Pfft, my name really? So you pretty much stalked me just to ask me my name?", After I said that I got up to walk away.

"Wait Elizabeth!", he pretty much shouted.

(982 words)

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