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Win rubbed his husband's head, who was resting his body on top of his. They were cuddling endlessly, Bright didn't give a chance for Win to move away from his sight.

Bright kissed the bare chest of Win, he sniffed the muscle of his chest, bit it softly. Win flinched "Don't bite" Bright bit it again, Win slapped his back. Bright snuggled more to Win's crook of the neck.

"Kratay" Bright called his husband softly, Win smiled he held his nape, closer to him. "Yes Hmapa?"

"Tell our love story na" Bright peppered butterfly kisses on his husband Adam's apple, Win squirmed and chuckled "Again?"

"Hmm please" Win sighed happily, he kissed his husband's head.


Win teared up hearing his boyfriend saying "You're naive Win, how did you expect me to be with you? Obviously we can't, we are aged people and we can't have sex you know, like it's no fun to have sex with a person who's all wrinkly and all"

"Alex... " Win gasped, his tears flowing down non stop. Alex rolled his eyes, he clicked his tongue "Having a young girl as a wife, tasting her is more delicious than you"

Win scrunched up his nose, closed his eyes in disgust. Alex chuckled "No one loves a wrinkly man Win, and how can you be so stupid? Of course I was cheating behind you"

Win remembered those days, when Alex left him alone telling that he has meetings with boss. Cause I trusted you Alex. Win glared at him. Alex sighed "We're old Win, we should have fun you know, not to stick around all the time" Alex said and walked away.

Win broke down, he ran to his home, crying the whole night. His mother was sad to see her son crying hysterically. He was so happy to be with Alex, but all went in vain.

For Alex, Win needed to be in a secret relationship with Alex. He didn't want to reveal their sexual orientation to anyone including Alex's family. Win was happy and always followed whatever Alex wanted from him, as his first love was Alex.

Win's younger sister entered his room, she ran to him. "Phi.. " Win hugged her, she held him tightly.

"Why.. Why he did this to me?" Win cried. His sister wiped her own tears, cradling Win in her arms. Outside, his father was seething in anger, his mother was in stress. Both were equally worried about their precious son.

Win was extremely workaholic, but his workaholic nature got a slight nudge when he met Alex in a bar. He accompanied him in drinking, Alex took him to his house as he was drunken heavily. Win's family saw the genuine behavior of Alex. From that day onwards Win be friend with Alex. Two years, the relationship lasted, but Win noticed the changes in Alex whenever he calls him for dinner in a restaurant.


"What happened Molly?"

"Nothing Jia.. I'm just worried about my son" Molly sighed thinking about her son. Jia is her friend, high school best friend whatever happens to her soulmate she always support her. Molly was happy to have such a supportive best friend.

"Why? What happened to Win?"

"That boy.. Remember Alex?" Jia nodded. "That bastard dumped my son. Win is completely broken now, he keeps on getting insecurities now, he keeps on blaming on his age that why isn't he a teenager anymore"

"But Win still looks so handsome, even his age is 35, he still has a well built body, anyone will want a strong man like him as a partner" Jia assured her friend. Molly sighed "I know that, but he's not getting that confidence anymore. I was so happy when I saw him glowing everyday when he was in relationship, he was becoming casual, less workaholic. Things turned upside down, when Alex said those things to him. He again started becoming a workaholic and of course a drunkard" Molly cried.

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