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After that night, everything turned sweet in their bonding. They became close, slightly intimating to each other. They didn't label themselves, they don't think of naming anything as they're too close that any one can see the relationship they have.

Bright came back home, fully tired, he saw the house was dark, indicating the family was asleep already. He sighed, walked upstairs using the flashlight of his phone, and entered his room.

He kept his bag aside, unbuttoned his shirt, threw it away on the floor and he was in black vest and pants. His phone buzzed up Baby boo ❤ calling...

He smiled, it was a video call, he kept his phone down at a position aligned to his body and face. He answered the call.

"Hel-- lo" Win's eyes stuck on the perfect body tightly wrapped by that black vest. He swallowed the lump of saliva gathered in the top of his tongue.

"Hey babe.. You didn't sleep?" Bright asked. Win shook his head, still admiring the perfect figure.

"It's 11:50 already, what are you doing to be awake for so long?"  Bright frowned. Win cleared his throat

"N-Nothing, I was waiting for your call.. I-I didn't know y-you will be late" Win cursed in his head stuttering in front of him, he can feel the tightness in his own shorts, the breath was hitching once in a while, flicking his index finger with the pad of thumb being anxious.

Bright raised his eye brow then nodded, he crossed his arms, rolled up the vest, opened his vest, his hairs messed up at the process, his hairs covered his eyes, in between the strands his eyes looked at the screen where Win was swallowing several times, parting his lips to release air.

Bright smirked, he pushed his hair back, he leaned down on the table, keeping his palms on the sides. "Enjoying?" He used the low dark tone which sent shivers to Win's spine. Win bit his lower lip, Bright chuckled, leaned back. He pulled his rolling chair, sat on it, leaned his upper body at the back and flexed his arms at the back of the head.

"Dinner done babe?" Bright asked, Win was having a hard time to resist looking at the half naked beautiful man, his fingers were twitching to touch the whole body, drag his nails marking them possessively with red scratches.

"Say something... Darling.. Or else I'll strip the remaining in front of your eyes" Bright teasingly warned Win, rolling the chair sideways fully enjoying the attention from the older male. Win's eyes flicked in a different emotion, he smirked

"Strip for me" Bright stopped his movements, Win leaned back on his own chair, smirking big tilting his head. Bright chuckled

"Eager to see my junior so much?" Bright asked, Win snickered "See it, touch it, feel it everything... Honey" Bright's pants are getting tighter now. Win tugged his T shirt slightly up, playing with the hem of the T shirt "come on honey... Let's have something tonight.. Dirty talks maybe" Win giggled.

Bright smirked, he released his arms from behind, while sitting he opened his belt, Win could see the belt strap moving out from the pant hooks, he smirked "How I want to tie them around your neck, kissing the daylight out of you" He mumbled.

Bright stretched the belt, rolling it on his palm "And I want to tie your wrists with it, so I can fuck you mindlessly"

Win licked his lips "I like that idea, maybe someday we'll do that" Bright chuckled "We will... Definitely we will" He threw the belt on the floor, he pushed his body to roll the chair slightly back. He unbuttoned the button of the pant, staring at Win who was looking back at him with the same intensity.

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