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Months passed, everything was going smoothly, both the lovers were happy having each other, though they spent less time but they treasure those little moments by going on small dates, sitting under a tree, kissing each other. Win keeps his consciousness high, just to keep Bright out of the media's world.

Bright and Win were walking side by side towards the parking lot. The road was empty so they can walk freely. Win noticed Bright held a gloomy face looking down at the road.

He elbowed him "What's wrong?" Bright shook his head slightly, without looking up at his lover. Win frowned, halted his movements, seeing that Bright too stopped walking.

"Say" He asked in a serious tone, Bright sighed "How long will we be like this?" Win blinked his eyes unable to answer, Bright got the hint in his silence, he turned around showing his back to Win and said "Forget it, come let me drop you home" He was about to step forward, he got pulled back.

"Why does it matter to you if we stay silent? I'm doing these for your safety Bright" Win said. Bright smiled sadly "Yah I know, thank you for keeping me safe. Maybe I became a little selfish about us announcing our relationship to the world" He exhaled loudly.

His waist got trapped by the arms from behind, Win kept his chin on his shoulder, touching his nose tip on the skin of his neck. "Maybe I'm coward for announcing about us Bright. I also want to come out to the world, together. You think that I don't want to expose us for our image? Maybe it is.. I only think about your safety my love, remember the day the accident happened because of me, so many people got hurt because of me" His tears brimming at the corners of the eyes, he closed his eyes.

The tear dropped on Bright's exposed neck region, Bright gasped, he tried to turn around, but Win gripped his arms tightly refraining him to move. "I'll have the biggest nightmare in my life, if something happens to you same like that day... I don't want to loose you.. I don't want to see you hurt... I don't want to see you on that hospital bed lying with so many wires around your body. I just want to wrap my arms around your body not those wires" He sobbed on his shoulder.

While crying and sobbing silently, his arms loosened up, Bright turned around, Win's head touched his chin as he kept his head low. Bright put a soft kiss on his head, kept his palm on his hairs, caressing them gently. "I'm sorry" Win cried hard while mumbling sorry repeatedly.

Bright lifted his face up, his heart sank down seeing the red face of his lover. He kissed him, letting the tears mingle in between their lips. Win clutched the shirt of Bright near his waist line, kissing back. They pulled away, keeping their lips few centimeters apart.

The younger male wipe the tears of his lover, peppering kisses on his cheek, at the corner of his lips, at the nose tip. Win stopped crying, Bright joined their foreheads "I should apologize to you for making you cry" He held his ears, Win chuckled, Bright smiled.

"Yah you should be punished" Win uttered wiping his tears. Bright nodded his head "And may I ask what's the punishment?" He dropped his tone into a hushed one, eyeing the eyes alternatively then the lips back to the eyes. Win blushed at that eye contact, he looked away "I don't know, maybe carry me up to the car" He shrugged.

"Gladly" Bright shrugged, he folded his arms on his chest and said "Choose 1 or 2" Win raised his eyebrow "What?"

"Choose" Bright smiled. Win rolled his eyes "1", he smiled big, he went to the side of Win, held his arm swung it around his shoulder, bent down slightly to hold Win's thighs lifted him swiftly in his arms. Win gasped loudly " P-Put me down" He wriggled on his hold, Bright gripped his thighs "Stop moving or you'll fall flat on your ass, your choice" Win stopped moving.

"Good old man" Bright kissed his cheek. He walked with him towards their car. He made him stand, opened the car's door for him. Win sat inside, Bright ran to the other side settled inside. He wore the seat belt, his collar yanked at the side, Win joined their lips. They kissed hard, rolling their tongues, battling against each other's mouth.

Win's phone buzzed, Win groaned, pulling away, he clicked his tongue. He looked down at his pant's pocket, it stopped buzzing. Bright grabbed his face and kissed him, they kissed again. Win's phone buzzed once again, this time Bright groaned, they pulled away Win took out his phone it was an unknown number.

He looked to Bright who had a big pout and frowning frustrated face, Win looked back at his phone, he switched it off. He leaned down to whisper in Bright's ear

"My house is empty today, wanna play?" Bright turned his face, their lips curled up in a big smirk.


Win woke up, stretching his arms. He had a good sleep and a big smile with closed eyes. He looked at his side to see the boy sleeping peacefully, face squished on the pillow, messy bed hairs, lying on his chest. Win giggled softly, he leaned down resting his upper body on his elbow.

He's so handsome, his every features are beautiful specially his lips, I wanna kiss them so badly. He rubbed his lover's head. He sat up took his phone saw the unknown number called him multiple times. He sent the number to Dew and texted him to find the name of this person.

He heard a soft call, he kept his phone aside, he saw Bright rubbing his eyes. Bright lifted his upper body narrowing his eyes at Win "When did you woke up?" Win chuckled "Just now, get up", he was about to move down from the bed, but Bright pulled him, made him lay down on the bed, he hovered on him

" Yesterday I realized my mistake, we don't have to expose our relationship, we won't get privacy then in the road or anywhere, I like our privacy" Win smiled, he patted Bright's head "It's ok"

Bright kissed Win's wrist, "Some things are gone, they shouldn't be brought up again, we don't have to argue for revealing us in front of the whole world, we can be in our little bubble, now what matters to me is thinking my present with you and my future with you" He kept his palm on top of Win's head, kissed his forehead lovingly

"Let me make breakfast for you" He smiled and rolled at the side, leaving a flustered Win. Win touched his forehead, biting his lips trying hard not to smile. A simple forehead kiss holds a lot of meaning to me now. His trail of thoughts interrupted by the vibration of his phone.

Dew texted the information about the number. It was Alex's number, Win frowned, his facade turned cold. Why is he calling me? How did he got my number?

His finger stayed above that number, trying to comprehend what to do, the words echoed

Some things are gone, they shouldn't be brought up again. Win smiled Yeah, they shouldn't. He blocked the number, tossed his phone aside and sighed I'm lucky to have my little love.


Win sprung up excitedly, he ran to the washroom while saying "COMING WITHIN FEW MINUTES HONEY WAIT FOR ME.. "

The end.

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