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Win was tapping on his thigh, sitting on his rolling chair in the office, he haven't heard from Bright after that day. He was worried about him, no not in romantic sense but just a big brother. He sighed, he looked up at the ceiling, his mind flashed the bright smile of the younger man.

He picked up his phone after few minutes, he scrolled through the Instagram, one username caught his attention bbrightvc. He raised his eyebrow, he tapped on it, his eyes almost popped out seeing the number of followers he have. Is this kid a celebrity? He scrolled down through the pictures, it mainly contains him holding guitar singing, smiling, posing like a model, some were with his friends.

He stopped at one picture, he tapped on it, leaned down to look at the picture it was in a bar. The brown suit looks like mine. He frowned, still wide eyes, his lips slowly parted. It was him, he was having a drink with his ex. Bright was standing but his picture was blurred instead Win's picture was more clear. Does this dipshit intentionally posted this?

He looked at the caption

"😭😭 why good looking men are always taken? I want him so bad, but I'm a good boy, I don't poke my nose at other businesses"

He puffed up his cheeks, flaring in anger "Why this bastard posted such caption openly... Hell, if the media knows about it, they will cause ruckus here... Stupid boy, butt head.. " He continued to curse the man.

He stopped when one voice said in his mind He loves you.

No he don't

Yes he does love you, why will he be so whipped for you at first glance if he doesn't even like you?

That's.. I don't know..

Are you sure?


He clicked his tongue, shaking his head to erase the voice. He sighed looking at the picture specially the caption. He immediately texted Bright.


Delete the photo.

He waited for his reply, instead he got a video call, he almost threw his phone in shock. He panted, his heart thumped in fear. "This annoying kid.. " He didn't want to answer the call, so he just stared at the screen until it stop buzzing.

It buzzed again, Win kept the phone down looking at it stop calling me already, I don't want to see your face. It stopped buzzing, he got a reply.

Win Metawin O

🥲 I'm not bad looking, accept the call please.


Why? Is it necessary to take up the call?

Win Metawin O

😭 please I want see you.


😑 I don't want to show my face to you, I'm ugly.

Win Metawin O

Bats are the only mammal who can fly, I want to be a bat🦇


😑 you're a nurse!

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