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"Welcome Mr. Metawin, it's such a pleasure to have you in our small hospital for inspection" The hospital manager said, welcoming the chief guest.

"No problem" Win slightly smiled, kept his stoic face intact. He looked at the logo of the hospital CITY HOSPITAL.

He cleared his throat, adjusted his suit walked inside. The people inside the hospital stood up and bowed down in respect.

"Please don't bow at me, you guys are the main leader, who saves people from danger, I'm nothing compared to you" Win said politely. All smiled. Dew at the back raised his eyebrow at the sudden politeness of his friend. He surely changed.

While walking, manager explained him many things, Win asked whether they need some more things or not. Dew was just getting shocked at every statement of Win. It was the first time seeing his friend willing to do everything for a small hospital. He still remember when he was with Alex, Win was type of egoist, tried to avoid the inspection of small places.

"And Sir, this is the doctor's staffroom"

Win nodded. The door swung opened, revealing Tay.

"Win? Ah I'm sorry.. Mr. Metawin" Tay smiled. Win smiled back "No need to be formal Tay, I didn't come here with the papparazi"

"Oh, sir you know each other?"

"Yah, he's an old friend of mine"

"That's great"

They heard some murmurs, Win turned around to see Bright was ordering some nurses.

"Green nurses, those who are here for training talk to my colleague, I'll be busy today with the patients, he'll be the leader for today"

"But sir, you are the best" The girls whined.

"See, everyone over here is the best, try to understand my situation, the chief guest will be here and I'll be busy with the patients" Bright tried to reason.

"Sir please you take our class" The female nurses whined, showing their pouty lips and puppy eyes. Bright gulped, he felt hesitant.

"You should listen to the head's order instead of requesting"

The nurses turned their attention, the girls gasped seeing such a handsome man in black suit, hairs pushed back, poker face. Win came and stood beside Bright, who was just staring at him still in open mouth, hands up in air.

"I'm the chief guest over here, don't you have training period today? What are you doing here with the head? Go to your class" His stern voice made the nurses flinch, they scurried away in fear.

"Sir.. I'm sorry for.. " The manager tried to ease out the tension, Win showed him his palm to stop talking "This is hospital.. " Win side glared at Bright "Not a club" He kicked Bright's butt with the shin of his leg.

"Do your work properly, else I'll reduce your wages" Win glared and walked away tucking his hands inside the pockets. This stupid person doesn't know how to deny those girls, dense head. He should focus on his career first then family then m-- wait WHAT THE HELL?

Win suddenly stopped, the other stopped behind him, looked at him, his expression seemed troubled. He turned back, Bright was pouting rubbing his butt, they stared at each other, Win turned his head to the others "Wait here" He walked back to Bright.

They stood in front of each other, Win intentionally blocked Bright's view from others by back facing them.

"Can't you stay away from girls?" Win hissed slowly. Bright raised his eyebrow "They are nurses"

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