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Win and Alex were sitting in a distance on a bench. Bright was peeking from behind.

"I'm finally married" Alex said. Win rolled his eyes.

"Won't you congratulate me?" Alex asked. Win didn't answer. Alex chuckled "Still angry on me? Oh Win, you're totally a dense man, numerous times I ditched you on our dates, our meet ups, still you didn't ask me about what I was doing? Did you care for me Win?"

I fucking trusted you. Win gritted his teeth. "I thought you'll find me suspicious, but no.. Nothing. Me and Marina were close for one year. It's funny, I've been cheating on you for a long time, still you... Huh" Alex sighed.

Is it my fault to love someone dearly without thinking about their side jobs? Win thought, fisting his pants on his knees.

He cheated on my cupcake. Bright clenched his jaw. He rushed out, stood in front of them, making them look up.

"Who's this?" Alex frowned. Bright pointed at him "Hey.. You.. Don't you think you're a bastard? Gaining someone's trust and then throwing them away, how do you even call yourself a man?" He shouted at him.

"Are you lost kiddo?" Alex asked, raising his eyebrow. Win stared at Bright. Bright clicked his tongue "I'm not going to tell who I am to such an annoying rude old ass" He poked out his tongue.

Annoying kid. Alex thought, Bright slide between them, holding Win close to him "I won't cheat on you darling, I'm always loyal to someone whom I treasure the most" Bright smiled at Win. Win pushed his face

"I don't care" Win rolled his eyes. Alex sighed, he stood up "I won't accompany you, take care of yourself" He said and walked away. Win stared at him, Bright looked at Alex's retreating figure "Don't grieve on someone who's heartless"

Bright looked at Win, Win looked away his mood was dull "Don't bother me.. I want to be alone" Bright pulled his arm, "I won't leave you alone"



"Yes fucktard"


"Yes asshole"

"I wish a dog would bite his ass and tear it away"

"It's excessive"


"Think about the dog also, his teeth will break biting his rude ass"

Both laughed out. Win smiled, he sighed "It's not like we would have been together, his mother won't allow this relationship, what's the point of thinking of us being together?"

"He never like you" Bright said. Win turned to him "Huh?"

"Yes, if he liked you, he wouldn't have leave you like this, he would've fought for the relationship, just for his selfishness he left you. I'm telling you, I'm happy from the bottom of my heart that he isn't your boyfriend anymore" Bright smiled cheekily.

"Shut up" Win rolled his eyes. He stood up. "I won't let you go today" Win turned around but gasped as Bright pulled him to his lap, putting his lips on his.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, Win stared at those closed eyes with wide shocked eyes. Bright sucked his lower lips gently which made him jolted up.

"What the hell?" Win stood up, covering his lips with his arm. Bright stood up "I kissed you because I like you.. I tease you because I like you.. Please give me a chance please.."

"Do you have any idea of what are you spouting?" Win shouted.

"Yes I know.. I'm upset because that bastard hurted you and I wasn't there to hold you. I'm jealous of how that bastard held your hand, I'm jealous that he was your first and I'm not. Please consider my feelings also" Bright said in a shaky tone.

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