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Win entered his house, he sighed, slumped down his body on the couch. Win's mother sat beside him.

"Darling.. You ok?"

Win nodded. Win's mother waited for him to look at her. Win tilted his head to look at her "You want to say something mom?"

"Uh.. Ye-- no.. Nothing" Win frowned, he held her hands "What's the matter?" Win's mother hesitated to tell him.

"I-I.. You remember my friend Jia"

"Yah, what happened to Jia aunty?"

"She.. She'll come to meet us"

"Ok then why are you sweating?" Suddenly the bell chimed. They turned around, Win's younger sister Tu opened the door.

"Hello aunty" Tu chirped up, Jia hugged her "Hello little Tu" Tu moved aside to give a way to them. Three of them entered, Molly went to Jia, Win stood up. His eyes landed on certain person none other than Bright. He grew up very well. Bright's eyes got fixated to Win. Damn he's so fine, is.. Is he looking at me? Oh shit, I'm blushing.. Ahh help me.

Davikah nudged him, made him flinch. He saw others looking at him. He cleared his throat "M-Mom.. I forgot my phone in the c-car.. I'm coming" Bright said while glancing at Win. He rushed outside, Davikah smirked aish whipped man.

Bright stood leaning against his car door. He sighed in relief, his heart was palpitating after seeing Win. He waited for few minutes outside, calming his nerves down, taking deep breaths to face the handsome man.

He walked inside the house, sat down beside his sister. He grinned in embarrassment "I'm sorry.. Hello, I'm Bright"

"Aw.. Little Brighty turned so good looking huh?" Molly teased him, he blushed. His eyes wandered around but couldn't find 'him'.

"Win is more handsome than my son Molly" Jia stated. Bright smiled internally Yes he is. Molly chuckled "So Bright what are you doing now?"

"I'm currently in training period of male nursing staff. Along with it, I'm studying for exams on lectureship"

"Oh that's great! Hope you do well in your exams na" Molly smiled, Bright bowed down his head "Thank you, give blessings to me"

Davikah leaned to him and whispered "Tell to give blessings to that man" She pointed somewhere, Bright looked at the direction, Win was coming down, in simple attire. DAMN MAN HE SLAYS EVERY OUTFIT FUCK! Bright swallowed thickly.

Win sat beside his mother, and smiled at the guest "Hello, I'm Win" Jia's eyes glittered up seeing Win. "Oh Win, you are so fine man still now huh? What's the reason behind your charms?" She teasingly asked him.

Bright narrowed his eyes at his mother, he saw both the ladies were looking at him with dreamy eyes. He sighed Ladies these days, can't they leave him? Bright cleared his throat loudly.

Win's attention went to Bright, Bright noticed it Huh finally! Got your attention darling. Win smiled politely "What's your name nong?" Bright's smile faltered, Davikah snorted she composed herself.

Don't brozone me please baby. Bright internally cried. He gave a shaky smile "Bright khap..phi Win" He internally cringed at the honorific title 'phi'.

Win smiled "Well I remember you being so small, when I first went to your house. You were chubby, now you look handsome" Bright's heart thumped fast again, his dull mood switched to happy wolf mood in a second.

"I-I actually practice fighting, t-that's why. I need to keep my body in shape for yo--"

"Uh... Uh Hi... I'm Davikah what's your name" Davikah asked hurriedly as she saw how Bright was about to spill it. Tu blushed "My name is Tu" Davikah smiled at the young girl. She's so cute. Bright whispered "Calm down sis" Davikah glared at him.


"Are you serious Jia?" Molly gasped when Jia broke the news.

"Yes, Molly that's what I'm saying. Your son and my son is a perfect match like angel and devil."

"And who's angel? Who's devil?"

"Of course Win is angel, Bright is a dumb devil" Jia said in a duh tone. Molly slapped her arm "Don't tell bad about your son, he's so kind. After all, being a nurse makes that person patient and kind"

Molly looked at the boys who were busy chatting. Win was smiling again after so many days, after the break up. Seeing Bright trying to make him laugh, was a fascinating thing for Molly.

"So? What's your opinion about them?" Jia asked looking at the boys.

"I don't know Jia, I mean I'm ready, Win's dad will also be fine with them, but knowing Win I don't know how will he react" Molly sighed sadly.

"Oh ho, stop thinking too much, let Bright handle him, I trust my son with this"

"Ok then" Jia hugged her.


"Oh hi uncle how are you? Is your ankle ok now?" Bright asked. Win's dad was surprised "How.. Did.. You know about my ankle?"

"Mom told me" Bright crouched down to check the ankle. "Hm, is it paining here?" Win watched the younger male smiling and massaging his father's ankle. He's so kind hearted man. I remember when he was small, he used to have a cute belly and I used to poke that. Urgh! Embarrassing. But, he looks good now, his partner will be lucky to have a perfect partner.

"Win" He turned around to see Davikah smiling at him. He smiled "Hi Davi.. How are you, I'm sorry I couldn't give you time" Win said. Davikah chuckled "Not a problem Mister. Anyways how's life?"

Win's smile curled upside down, he sighed looking down "Um... Fine" Davikah put her palm on his shoulder "I know Win how it feels to be broken by first love. Well, I also had one, though I never approached her, it was one sided" Win looked at her, Davikah smiled

"Yes, I'm a lesbian" Win chuckled "Does your brother know?" Davikah looked at her brother who was giving her angry side eye expression. She smirked "Nope" She giggled, Win smiled confusingly. Why she's smiling?


"Ok Molly, it's late already, we have to go back" Jia said and stood up. All stood up, Molly held her hands "Thank you for coming with your kids"

Davikah looked at Tu, who looked back at her, both blushed and looked away. Bright was still angry, as his sister was having good time with Win, while he couldn't form a sentence in front of Win. The man is way too handsome. Win noticed his distorted mood, he went to him, nudged his shoulder. Bright blushed, looked here and there straightening his shirt.

"You good nong?" Win asked politely. Bright smiled "Y-Yes phi"

"Come on kids, let's go" Jia said. "Win dear drop them to their car please" Win nodded. He held Bright's shoulder. Bright blushed, feeling proudness bubbling inside his heart.

They walked towards their car, Tu followed Davikah, while Win was with Bright.

"Why do you have a red face nong Bright?" Win asked. Bright mentally thrashed around STOP CALLING ME NONG BABY PLEASE. He grinned "Just feeling a bit hot" Win chuckled, he rubbed Bright's head lovingly "You're cute" Bright blushed, he bit his lips.

Win being a gentleman, opened the door for the ladies, they swooned over him, Bright rolled his eyes on their silly act. Win opened the driver seat door for Bright, now Bright swooned over him but he composed himself.

"Thank you.. Win.. Ah.. Phi Win" Bright gulped. Win laughed, he ruffled Bright's hair "Call me Win, I don't have problem"

"Then call me Bright too, no need to call me nong anymore" He chuckled awkwardly. Win raised his eyebrow "Do you have any problem calling you 'nong'?" Bright swallowed, he summoned his bravery facade, he smirked

"Of course, because after this meet up, this 'nong' word will disappear forever from your mouth"

Win crossed his arms on his chest "And why's that nong Bright?" He said it slowly. Bright crossed his arms on his chest, leaning towards Win's face "Time will say that... baby phi Win" He winked. Win's pupil dilated, Bright whispered "Good night dear" He sat inside the car, his left hand gripped the steering wheel, other one rested on the window pane.

He smirked looking at Win's stupefied face "Move aside baby phi Win, you will get hurt dear" He bonked his horn, making Win flinch away. Bright drove away leaving a flustered Win.

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