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"Huh?" Bright screamed in shock, backing away. Win sighed "Move, so I go in" Bright moved aside, Win walked inside. Bright was watching him with mouth open Is this angel coming from heaven to my house?

"Close both the doors" Win said wandering around the house. Hmm well polished. "Both?"

"Wooden one and your mouth" Win mumbled, Bright blushed, he closed both the doors jogged behind Win. He bit his lips suppressing his smile. "Go get ready" Win said, after settling down on the couch. 

"Um, Can we date inside? Like I can make small arrangements here instead of going out how about that?" Bright suggested. Win thought about it for a while, he nodded "Ok"

"You can change, there's my bedroom" Bright pointed towards his room. "Will your clothes fit in me?" Win asked. Bright smirked "I won't mind seeing you naked honey, don't worry I won't touch you without your consent, but I can watch you roaming around like that", Win kicked his ass "Shut up" Bright whined rubbing his ass "Yah it will fit" he pouted. Win snorted and walked towards the bedroom. 

Bright rushed towards the kitchen "Finally I will impress him with my cooking skills, then my charms" he smirked thinking Win being clingy to him that he'll immediately agree to be his boyfriend. He came out of his imagination, started cutting the vegetables. While Win was taking a cold shower, his muscles relaxed under the shower, he wiped his face, pushed his wet hairs back, he sighed loudly. What am I doing? Why am I doing it? I'm still so confused. Just hearing about happiness, I rushed here. Shall I make excuses that I came here as I was passing by? Shit I even asked about date , fuck off Metawin so much of being romantic. He rolled his eyes, his eyes landed on the white satin and a black fluffy bathrobe. 

don't worry I won't touch you without your consent, but I can watch you roaming around like that. Win smirked, water droplets rolled down from his face to his bare body.


Bright on the other hand prepared everything simple dishes but a lot. It was all Win's favorite, he smiled at his attempt. He turned around to call Win. 

"Win ba....by" Bright's mouth went dry as he saw Win standing wearing the satin bathrobe. His eyes roamed around the wet hairs, buffy body, open collar, exposed cleavage between the collars, down to the tones white thighs, long exposed legs. Win walked towards him, his eyes shifted from his face towards the meals on the table Did he really made all those? Win swallowed, he looked at the side to Bright who was silently staring at him. 

"What?" Win asked, crossing his arms above his chest. Bright smiled softly "You look fresh.. but do you know that wearing that for a long time.." he spoke in a groaned tone, while coming closer to Win "You'll catch cold" he whispered then backed away, smiled brightly. Win blushed heavily, he looked away, then sat down on a chair, Bright smirked he walked towards the other side.

"How do you know about my favorites?" Win asked chewing the food, Bright sipped the water "I know everything about you, your favorites, your zodiac sign, your birthday date, your past relationship, your hobby" Bright smiled. Win frowned "How I asked"

"Your mother is my mother's friend" Bright said in a duh tone, Win sighed Why am I the dense head? "Why are you here suddenly?" Bright asked, Win swallowed "I-I was just passing by"

Bright raised his eyebrow teasingly "Oh really? Just passing by out of nowhere and asking for a date?" Win fiddled with the spoon on the plate "I was just passing by to see my friend, but he wasn't there so I came here" Win stood up after finishing his food, walked to the basin to wash his mouth. He turned around but gasped as Bright trapped him on the sink, Win observed the handsome man close to his face. Bright washed his hands behind Win's waist, he smiled "Let me wash my mouth" he released Win pushed him aside gently. 

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