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Win woke up, he groaned, his head was throbbing in pain. He sat up, his vision gradually became clear. He realized he was in his bedroom, already his head was aching badly and the confusion making his head double ache.

He wobbled towards his washroom, he felt bloated, he stood in front of the sink gripping the edges, he washed his face, as he was about to gurgle, the churning of his stomach made his stomach reflux, he vomitted out everything.

After vomiting for few minutes, he got relief. He sighed, washed himself up, wrapped the towel around his waist he came outside. He heard a small squeak, he turned around, his cheeks flared up.

Bright was standing there with a glass of lime water, his eyes were lingering on his bare upper body. He snatched the duvet from the bed covered his upper part. Bright cleared his throat "W-Water.. " Win motioned his chin towards the table beside his bed. Bright kept it, he smirked, turned around, his eyes went on the duvet "A very good morning dear"

Win blushed, Bright put his hands inside the pockets, leaned on the wall, looking at Win with a cunning smile. "G-Go outside, I have to change"

"Let me take out your clothes then" Bright walked towards the closet, choose a suit, shirt, pant, and a matching tie for the older man.

"Hm.. Change now" Bright smiled, tilting his head. Win narrowed his eyes, clutching the duvet closer to his chest "Go out"

"Why?" Bright pouted teasingly, Win huffed, Bright raised his hands up "Ok.. " He walked past him, he stopped leaned to sniff Win's shoulder.

"Smell good sweetcheeks" Bright whispered, Win blushed. He gasped loudly as he felt a tap on his bum. "Come downstairs, I'm making breakfast for us baby phi" He walked out of the room humming.

Win sat down, to have breakfast. He couldn't see his parents nor his sibling. Bright served the dish, Win's mouth watered immediately seeing the delicious dish in the early morning. Win cleared his throat "I don't like this kind of breakfast"

Bright hummed, sat down on the opposite side, sipped his juice "Can see you drooling over the food already, what's with the restriction boss? Go ahead eat up" He shrugged, chugged down the juice.

Win moaned at the taste of the food, after so many years, he had a delicious meal in the early morning. Bright smiled, he kept his chin on the palm, elbows resting on the table "Like it?"

"Did you made it?" Win asked, Bright tilted his head down, narrowed his eyes slightly "Yah?" Win rolled his eyes "Um.. Not bad" IT'S FUCKING DELICIOUS! Bright scrunched up his nose in annoyance "Don't lie" Win didn't answer back. He gulped down the fruit juice. "Where are my family members?"

"Yours and mine went out, hanging around" He shrugged. Win nodded.

Bright handed him the bag, Win hung it on his shoulder. "Wait.. " Bright rushed up, leaving a confused Win on the door. Bright came down, with the tie, he tied it around Win's neck, fixed it properly. They stared at each other, Bright softly smiled

"Don't forget to eat, I know you'll be busy, but please don't forget to take care of your health" Bright pulled him by his waist, he put his lips on Win's cheek. Win was in a trance, entangled in the new sensation of being surrounded someone else's arms.

"Shall I drop you to the office boss?" Bright asked, making Win come back to reality. Win bit his inner cheek, walked away blushing furiously. Bright leaned on the door frame, smiling looking at Win's retreating figure. He tapped the back of his head, smiling like a kid aye old man what are you doing to me huh?


"Come in"

"Sir you have to sign the file" One of the employee said. Win looked at it first, read it very minutely, the man was a perfection in his work never looses his alertness regarding work.
He signed it after looking at it thoroughly.

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