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"Come out"

Bright opened the door, smiling widely, he wore the slippers and walked out of his house holding a packet. He saw Win leaning against the car's door. He jogged towards the older lad, he sighed "Hey" Win rolled his eyes

"Here your suit and clothes" Bright handed him the packet. Win rolled his eyes again, snatching the packet away. He was staring at the side instead of looking at Bright. Bright smiled teasingly, he tucked his palms inside the pockets of his pant "Angry?"

Win sighed, still not saying anything. Bright chuckled slowly, he leaned near his ear "Angry that I didn't say anything other than taking your clothes?" Win glared at him, Bright snickered nodding his head

"Got it, why don't you hang out?" Bright suggested, Win raised his eyebrow, he looked down at the packet, he opened the passenger seat's door, threw the packet inside.
He again leaned on the door with folded arms on his chest "Get ready then" He looked away. Bright moved to his side, smooching his cheek, he rushed inside his house.

Win played with his phone, waiting for Bright. Minutes later, he heard heavy footsteps coming towards him. He looked up, his breath hitched, his lips parted automatically. The handsome lad was busy wearing the watch, he looked up. Both stared at each other, Bright had a small smirk, his eyes had a teasing reflection in them, he came forward to Win.

"Impressed?" He muttered. Win eyed him up and down, his eyes scanned each feature of the younger man thoroughly. He straightened his position, standing tall in front of Bright. Win pulled his collar, pushed his lips on his, attaching them hard. Their eyes shut closed, savouring the moment, without moving their lips. They pulled away at the lack of breath.

Win cupped Bright's cheek with one palm, caressing the lower lip with the thumb, "More than being impressed" Bright smiled, Win kissed his cheek and smiled.


They were walking down the street, people passing them, crossing the roads. Bright was glancing at Win once in a while, lingering his vision on Win's hand. He wanted to hold his hand but he refrained himself from being too selfish. He just wants to feel the warmth of his slightly small palm, he intentionally, touched their knuckles with each other's.

Win looked down, then looked up at Bright who was looking away biting his lips, he looked down again, Bright's forefinger trying to touch his palm. Win smiled softly, he moved his hand away, Bright didn't look at Win, he felt sad, he moved his hand away tugging them inside his pockets.

Win stopped walking, Bright stopped seeing him not moving. They stared at each other "I'm sorry" Bright said he thought Win felt bad by his touch in public. He looked down, chewing the inner flesh of his lower lip in nervousness.

"Why are you saying sorry?" Win asked, Bright looked up with sad eyes "For touching you in a public place, which you don't like. I want to do what couples do"

"We aren't a couple yet" Win answered. Bright flinched slightly, he couldn't look at Win's eyes, he felt insecure somehow. He regained his composure, he walked forward, his saliva was choking his throat trying hard not to break down in public.

Win held his elbow, he didn't turn around afraid to face him after what he said. "How dare you walk away without me huh?" Win raised his voice, Bright looked up slightly, and saw Win's angry facade. Win lifted his palm, he closed his eyes but didn't get any hits.

He peeked up, he felt something in his pockets, he looked down to see Win pulling his palm out, intertwining the fingers gripping it tightly. He shot up his face, eyes widened in disbelief. Win lifted their joined palms and kissed the back of Bright's palm. "From when you become so insecure?"

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